Tuesday 18 January 2022

Who Cares About The Visually Impaired?

Message From Conrad Harris - Jamaica Society for The Blind

Can you help us in getting this issue dealt with. I learned that someone had dug a trench near the entrance to the Old Hope Road gate of Campion College. The trench has been left open and unprotected. This is an area used by persons traveling to and from the Jamaica Society for the Blind. I have been calling from this morning but I cannot find out who is responsible. Campion College and National Water Commission say they are not responsible and NWA have promised to get back to me but have not done so. 

It is particularly dangerous because blind persons normally walk on the inside of the sidewalk to avoid water which normally collects at Campion’s gate. It rained this afternoon.

Editors Note:

This is another case which leads one to ask, "Who is in charge of Jamaica?"  Organizations do some horrible things and the leadership of these organizations seem to get away with everything. This is just amazing! The area referred to is in Kingston, Jamaica.

Please share this post to as many persons as possible and hopefully this will get the responsible agency to act now.


  1. The member of Parliament of that constituent should immediately cause it to be repaired so that the visually impaired can traverse safely safely.

  2. The challenge for the visually impaired is more than a trench being dug in front of Campion. The parking of vehicles on sidewalks need to be addressed also. It is accepted as the norm to get in the way of the visually impaired, and it needs to stop. Not condoning the digging of trench at Campion, but I think it's temporary. The parking of vehicles on side walks, for example at busy Redhills Road at Lloyd's Hardware, et al, are permanent, and KSAC is not doing anything about it. Disrespecting the visually impaired in our Society is the norm, and the authorities are not doing anything about it. They don't care, and it's a darn SHAME. So, the question is: How can crime be contained if you can't contain illegal parking on sidewalks? Again, this country is a JOKE country, a DO AS YOU LIKE COUNTRY. (Can't even pick up garbage on time. What a sinting..haha ha..)

  3. They really have to something to protect them .

  4. its 60myears now since independence..andcwe still no get it right. not even care for the blind and those with other disabilities..Good question. Who really is in charge ?

  5. Oh no 😳 smh this is crazy 😧 someone needs to do something quick about this 🙏

  6. Big issue but the society doesn't really care. Understand that we have become hardened to the needs of the vulenerable -- all thevulnerabl groups.

  7. Sometimes I wonder if government and their respective agencies goes around and the bad condition of the roads and the sidewalks that visual impaired, the disable and seniors have to traverse day by day to get around.Do they care?

  8. This is absolutely ridiculous. Why couldn't they have filled the hole with the dirt. This is completely unacceptable!

  9. Man!! It's hard for me as a normal person to traverse the streets of Jamaica much less the disabled, come on guys fix it!


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