Friday 11 March 2022

Raging Fire At Coronation Market - Kingston Jamaica

Fire At Coronation Market

I have been informed by one of my On The Ground Reporters that Coronation Market is now on fire. I have no details at this time but I just pray that no lives are lost. We can can only imagine what those hard working vendors might lose this morning.

Something is happening in our country and I am convinced by the information that I am getting, that this fire is a sign of more to come. The state must act now to protect its people and its institutions. We have had other fires at another market in Kingston since this year!

Raging Fire At Coronation Market!


  1. This is really sad, most vendors would have bought goods and stock up for the weekend.

  2. Sad indeed. That market was refurbished only a few years ago.

  3. Now I am beginning to think that these fires are deliberately set...

  4. This is funny wonder who is behind this how so many markets burning down what going to happen to the people who sell in the market daily

  5. There is more to these fires than meets the eye. Too frequent

  6. Wow what is really happening to our people this more than what we can bear it's too much .Those are no accident.I hope they find the those that are doing those things. Thanks Mr Derby .

  7. These fires are orchestrated. Late last month, days apart Ray Ray and Oxford Markets burned, now this. The arsonists need to be found and brought to justice. These kinds of things just cause undue stress, loss of livelihoods, more hunger and poverty. Ah really dis wi waant fi wi country?

  8. I agree these fires are no accident. As a child of God I now place it at his feet. His Kingdom is built on justice.Reign, rule and judge Mighty God. Flush out the guilty for justice to reign.

  9. There is definitely a hidden agenda here.


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