Friday 11 March 2022

Update On The Market District Fire in Kingston

Commissioner Stewart Beckford
Head of the Fire Brigade Service

The Fire Brigade Department is doing it's work in terms of ascertaining what caused the fire at the market district close to Coronation Market, early this morning, Friday, March 11.  The police is also carrying out it's own investigation. Commissioner Stewart Beckford I understand has confirmed that the fire occurred this morning in the market district close to the Coronation Market on Chapel Lane where a shop and several stalls were destroyed. Very reliable sources are saying that you are looking at damage estimated to be over JAD60 million. Many vendors have lost their stock. Sources reveal that from observations, it appears that the fire was deliberately set and there is the believe that this fire has some links with the previous fires which occurred in the area over the last three weeks. Gang warfare seems to be at play here, and many are concerned that these gangs seem to be 'running things'.

Based on information received on the ground, vendors expect more challenges from these gang members. Persons in the area said there was word on the ground prior to this fire,  that the next target would have been Coronation Market and other areas Downtown.

It is clear that the state needs to enact more appropriate laws to make it easier for security officers to nab and to bring these culprits to justice. Traditional methods of dealing with what is suspected to be the work of hardcore criminals, is not working.

These gangs are well armed and it is clear that the police have their hands full. The state therefore needs to enlist the services of ordinary citizens, armed them and trained these citizens to be a part of a Reserve Police Force. This Reserve Police Force well armed and well trained could assist in taking out some of these local terrorists. 

Our leaders have played around with these domestic terrorists for too long. Dr. Horace Change is not keen on law abiding citizens being armed, and be able to defend themselves. Dr. Chang is a good man but he must understand that the people have had enough and it is not about what he thinks as  a Minister. The people are tired of the crime and corruption and the time to act is Now. It is time for the people of Jamaica to send a strong message to their political leaders urging them to clean up the country or clean out themselves. Enough is Enough!

We can start by using scientific evidence  to convict these domestic terrorists and when we convict them we need to rid the society of them once and for all. Failure to decisively deal with these scums simple means that they will continue to murder, destroy us and and the institutions we have built as a society. They are set to take over this beautiful country, Jamaica Land we Love!


  1. When they catch these people who are setting the markets on fire these must not have any mercy on them sets of vampires

  2. Well said! We need speedy adminisreation of justice:
    - Death penalty
    - Corporal punishment
    - Hard labour
    - Seizure of ill-gotten gains / assets
    - Restitution to victims.

  3. It seems every week we now have a market fire

  4. No Man! Can't allow the gangs to take over at all, nip it in the bud, it's getting out of hand.for years they been burning down the market. I can't help but wonder if they really want to get crime under control


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