Monday 26 December 2022

14 Year Old Mother Showered With Gifts and Featured in a National Newspaper!

This disgusting picture - Oonu no shame!!!

This morning I was put in a state of shock when someone sent me a newspaper story of  a 14 year old being recognized as giving birth to two babies. A state official was featured in the picture and I would like to assume that the state official was not aware of what she was joining in celebrating. I wonder if this baby who now has two babies was impregnated by an adult male, and if so, what action has been taken to deal with this crime?

Your high body temperature is an indication that something is going wrong with your physical health, and that is similar to the high incidence of crime in our society, which is an indication that things are very wrong with our beautiful country, Jamaica.

We highlighted and recognized an ex-convict who has been sent back to Jamaica, we appointed a woman who has no class as Principal of a school, the news media recognized and highlighted a thug who displayed boorish behaviour on our streets, persons of suspicious character are awarded OJ, OD and other national awards, convicted murderer's music is heard all over the place while he is incarcerated, and political leaders have been seen at funerals for persons who are known to have questionable links with undesirables.

Worse is yet to come! Someone who has had a conviction is now an officer of the courts and that officer could become a judge, then what is next?

Eternal Father Bless our land and protect us from these bhutos hands because they are bhutorizing our land. I  must add that changing Devon House from an historical site to a commercial site is also part of the bhutorization of Jamaica Land We Love. Father, Protect us from these bhuto's hands and Guide us with thy Mighty Hands.


It seems that someone who has class has brought the matter of the newspaper article celebrating the birth of twins to a 14 year, to the editor of the paper and the article has been rwithdrawn. Good people must unite and overthrow the culture of the bhutoists.


  1. I couldn't believe when I saw this article

  2. Aah, I was so frightened that the baby will be raise by another a baby.
    The article says she was impregnated by a schoolboy.

  3. This is passed double standards unless she was by "holy spirits" and not spirited androcentric virility.
    The message sent is mind boggling ,what do you say to your 15 year old teenaged daughter when quizzed on this matter.

  4. Omg really now

  5. father help having baby and we applaud her old is the father?I am the product of a baby pregnancy but by an adult..she was 12.the damage done to my mother is irreparable

  6. What is the age of consent we need to listen to Damian Crawford is on the right track re age of consent.

  7. In fairness the child mom said she knows she disappointed her parents and wants to go back to school. I agree however that the situation could have been handled better.

  8. When both children are going to school then who will cover the cost of looking after the children’s children? I guarantee you that both children will have more children and the society will pay dearly for it.


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