Tuesday 27 December 2022

JCF and SpotOn On The Streets of Kingston With SSP Steve McGregor

I promised you, and  now it will be tomorrow, Wednesday, December 28, 2022, from 1000 to 1300 hours EST, when members of the JCF will be SpotOn on Riddim FM. My special guests will be SSP Steve McGregor. I will also have short discussions with SSP Alice Byfield,  DSP Elsa Smith and SSP Stephanie Lindsay. It will be  SpotOn, On The Road with the JCF. Listen to SpotOn on the FM Band at 102.1, 102.3, 102.5, 102.7 and 102.9. 

I will be on the streets of Kingston with the police. I hope nothing dramatic happens but if it does, I will get to the scene immediately and bring it to you live!

SSP Steve McGregor

SSP Stephanie Lindsay

SSP Alice Byfield

DSP Elsa Smith


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