Tuesday 10 January 2023

SpotOn - What's Happening? Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Dr. Parris Lyew-Ayee
Vice President of the PSOJ

SpotOn on Riddim FM, Tuesday, January 10, from 1000 to 1300 hours EST, will be full of fun, information and entertainment. SpotOn is the only programme of its kind in the island. My guests will be DSP Elsa Smith for Talk Yu Talk, Trevor Samuels for Consumer Talk, Dr. Llewelyn Johnson from Mandeville for Your Health Your Wealth, and  Dr. Parris Lyew-Ayee Jr - Vice President of the PSOJ for The Business Hub.

Dr. Parris Lyew-Ayee will be talking about the accidents on our roads. The picture shows below three cars which collided on Waterloo Road last week, in front of Devon House. Higher fines will be introduced soon to deal with this problem but will that work?

Accident on Waterloo Road in Kingston

Listen to the leading Public Affairs and Consumer programme in Jamaica and be informed. Encourage your teenage children to listen to this informative programme called SpotOn which will help to prepare them for life.

DSP Elsa Smith

Dr. Llewellyn Johnson

Trevor Samuels - National Consumers League

Information Just In
I understand that there is a fire in the vicinity of the Coronation Market. I am unable to confirm if the market is affected.

Fires at Markets seem to be happening a bit too often these days.

Striking Gold
The people of Jamaica are aiming for gold and this has apparently resulted in a gold rush in Hanover. Residents of Comfort Castle who have never lived in Comfort nor in a castle, did plenty digging, hoping that they would one day live in Comfort in a Castle. That amount of digging could have prepared a large field for planting food which could put some money in their pockets and some food in their bellies. Now those people are still poor, and they are still hungry. Who told these people that they had struck gold, and who told them that they have the experience to mine gold. Jamaicans have scammed themselves this time. They have failed in their goal to find gold in this country, Jamaica Land We Love

Probably if we dig more in life, be more disciplined and learn to love one another, then one day we will achieve our goal of finding gold. In the meantime we will continue to enjoy our poverty!


Send your comments by voicemail to 876 816-5261 using WhatsApp. These comments will be played on air.


Anonymous said...

Wow omg

Anonymous said...

‘All that glitters is not gold’

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