Tuesday 10 January 2023

They Called Him Bustamante's Adopted Son - Seragh Lakasing OD, is Dead!

Seragh Lakasingh

I just got word that  Mr. Seragh Lakasingh has died. He died in December of last year, but it was not widely known that he had passed on. Mr. Seragh Lakasingh I have been told, was adopted by The Right Honourable Sir Alexander Bustamante and his wife Lady B. Sir Alexander Bustamante was a former Prime Minister of Jamaica, and our National Hero. Mr. Lakasingh and his wife Effie, took a keen interest in the well being of Sir Alexander Bustamente and his wife Lady B. The Lakasinghs played an important role in those final years of Bustamante and Lady B. He was a member of the Jamaica Cultural Development Commission Board, and he has served as its Vice Chairman. He also managed the Bustamante Foundation.

Seragh Lakasingh, a business man, and one who has served the people of Jamaica in various capacities. He was appointed by the Bruce Golding government to review our national honours and awards. Many will remember him and his work with the Bustamante Foundation in securing tertiary level scholarships for students.

He was 81 years old when he died on December 14, 2022. His wife Effie informed me that funeral services will be held on January 16, 2023 at 1100 hours at the Andrews Memorial Seventh Day Adventist Church, located at 27 Hope Road, Kingston 10.  Interment will be at Dovecot Memorial Park in St. Catherine.


Nzingha said...

Thanks Vernon..and thanks for giving his background as many from our time and worse nowadays, will not even remember his name. THAT'S LIFE. once u r off the field, no one remembers your contribution no matter how big they were.

Anonymous said...

OK sorry to hear

Anonymous said...

Really sad to hear. May his soul rest in peace.

A.Michael said...

Thanks for sharing Vernon... I knew him as a very good, honest and real Jamaican. I am sure he has gone to Heaven too. Blessing

Anonymous said...

Every time the words JCDC is mentioned it brings back so many bad memories of my dear uncle Barnes, I am still hurting.

Anonymous said...

May his soul rest in peace. He has served his country well! Condolence to his entire family and friends.

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