Sunday 26 February 2023

Minister of Government Caught Driving and Using Cell Phone!


Can you guess which Minister?

A video was sent to me showing a Minister caught on camera driving and using his cell phone. He is lucky this time that it was the camera which caught him and not the police. I must admit that I missed a ticket by the skin of my teeth by doing the same thing. When I realized what I did, I made sure to report myself to the police first, and I told him that I was sorry. He probably thought that I was mad and so he did not bother to write a ticket for me. The minister and I might not be so lucky next time!



  1. If it were a normal person they would have to pay a fine👹

    1. Not necessarily the Jamaican police on a whole are some of the best police on the planet.Where else you can give the police a good beneficial respectable talk and he will give you a break Police gi man an ooman break everyday dat Gad sen.Big up Jamaican police most are good hard working decent people.Gwaan police duh yuh ting whether them the High economic river or a Low river give same respect and Honourable treatment.

  2. The law is not for them trust mi

  3. You are very honest Vernon. Give me the ticket money. 😁

  4. The fact that many of us are business people, and it is sometimes unavoidable that we have to be engaged in conversations while driving, then we should all equip ourselves with ear pieces.


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