Monday 27 February 2023

What's Happening - Monday, February 27, 2023

The Crime Continues and Accidents Continue

Crime scene at Portmore Pines

Dr. Jones and his colleagues felt very strongly that with the implemention of the ammended Traffic Act, we would see a significant drop in road accidents in Jamaica. 2023 has not started on the right highway so far. The first news I got this morning was the news that five young men died in a bike accident in Temple Hall this morning. Yes five babies I would call them in one accident. I will keep reminding the authorities about the expected results of those high fines. Probably it's early days so let's watch it.

The later in the day I heard of a major robbery by Portmore Pines which saw the loss of lives of at least two persons. I saw a video which captured the scene in the story while the robbery was going on and shots were being fired. Some persons were busy trying to lock the glass door of the store while the shots were being fired. They obviously did not realize that a stray shot could penetrate the glass!

What's Happening on SpotOn

It is another SpotOn Tuesday on Tuesday, February 28, with me on Riddim FM. Join me at 1220 to 1230 hours EST for the feature 'We Drive For You'. My special guest will be Sharlene Hamilton - Customer Service Coordinator. SpotOn is on Riddim FM, Monday to Friday from 1000 to 1300 hours EST. Please share this information with persons in the transportation sector.

Jeanette Calder
Head of JAMP

Jeanette Calder the head of JAMP will be my guest on SpotOn. She will join me at 1020 hours.

Dr. Donovan Jackson will Join me at 1130 hours for Your Health Your Wealth and Mr. Trevor Samuels will join me for Consumer Talk.

Ferdinand Mafood - Dies

Ferdinand Mafood

Well known business man who believed very strongly in the Christian faith Ferdinand Mafood has died. He is the founder of Food For The Poor which has benefitted thousands of persons including Jamaicans.,


  1. New laws yes. However, more enforcement is needed. This will help to prevent loss of life in motor vehicle accidents and overtime help reduce incidences of crime generally.

  2. Omg more enforcing of the law needs to be done👹

  3. The new traffic fines will not work as the enforcement is very poor. In the fist week bike noise went down but as it became clear that enforcement is poor ( for sure in Havendale area) the noisy bikes are returning.

  4. The police should setup check points on Mannings Hill Rd going up to from Havendale, to Smokey Vale, to catch the loud trucks and bikes. The governent could earn some money

  5. Increased traffic fines is never about reducing road accidents or fatalities, it's an industry just like tourism or any other industry. It is all about putting money in the kitty. Guess who are the targets. Yes, it is the average jamaican. Do we have laws to allow for the immediate seizure of those bikes and cars etc that wake up people out of their sleep at nights? No.

  6. Condolences to the family and friends of the late Ferdinand Mahfood.

  7. My sincere Condolences to Mr Mahfood's family. Some of the new traffic fines are ridiculous doesn't make sense, needs revamping, you tell me if a vehicle smoking on the highway is more dangerous than someone using their phone


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