Tuesday 21 March 2023

Fireman Leo Bennett Speaks - Koffee Seems OK For Now

Interview With Fireman Leo Bennett

The Transportation Centre in Kingston

Fireman Sergeant Leo Bennett was my guest on SpotOn, March 21, 2023. Many have written him off as a mad man because they saw him perched on top of the Transportation Centre Building in Kingston, protesting against the working conditions of fire fighters. If you listen to him carefully, he comes across as a man on a mission and so far, I have not heard anyone say that the comments that he has made are false.

Yesterday I also spoke with psychiatrist Dr. Sapphire Longmore, and I will be sending out that recording of that programme later this week. She went on the scene at the Transportation Centre to talk with Sergeant Bennett while he was on top of the building protesting.

Click on the picture below in order to hear my discussion with Sergeant Leo Bennett on Riddim FM during my programme SpotOn.



Koffee is developing into a major international star, and being an international star comes with certain challenges and expectations from fans. We should remember however, that she is a youngster and that she is not even close to being thirty years old. She still has a lot to learn, and like many of us, she will make mistakes. 

The challenge is, young or not many see her as a role model and we have high expectations of her. We should also realize that being an international star can also be a lonely road to travel. One thing I can tell you is that she obviously did something wrong but many persons are blowing it out of proportion.

If she had behaved violently and assaulted someone, I know the books would have been thrown at her. It is clear that it felt OK for her to go into the first-class bathroom because she has done so before but it only takes one passenger who probably does not like the way she look, to make an issue of the situation. If that passenger complains to a crew member and it is escalated to the captain then all hell can break lose.

Based on reliable information all seems well, but all might not be well. We just have to hope for the best and support this very talented internationally known Jamaican star.

Click HERE to listen to the information from an IATA consultant and former head of the Civil Aviation Authority of Jamaica, Mr. Leroy Lindsay.


Note: Riddim FM will have an outside broadcast at the UCC on Thursday, March 23, therefore SpotOn will not be on air on that day.


Incident In Harbour View - Monday, March 20.

Somone needs to explain to me how you can have an incident like this at the Harbour View Roundabout in Kingston. Speeding, driver fell asleep, driver was drunk or just plain obeah.

Harbour View Roundabout

1 comment:

  1. Ok hope we will learn some thing pisitive from him it was a good one💩


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