Thursday 23 March 2023

Massa A Cuss Massa - Lef Dem!!!

I did not hear when the Finance Minister Dr. Nigel Clarke referred to Mr. Mark Golding as Massa Mark. I am just wondering why all this excitement when for years political leaders have been tearing down one another. Politicians have been very unkind to one another in the house of parliament and also outside of parliament. I remember that black scandal bag argument, black man time now, my leader barn ya, and comments regarding black man cannot run Jamaica.

When I was a little boy, they use to refer to a wealthy landowner's son as Mass Hugh.  Persons use to refer to person in authority as Massa, which is the short for Master. Backra Massa is a different thing because in that case we are referring to the slave owners.

Using the title Massa possibly remind us of the days of enslavement, since slave owners were referred to as Massa. An MP made a comment about Mark Golding being a descendant of backra mass. When I look at Dr. Nigel Clarke and Mr. Mark Golding, they both look like descendants of Backa Massa. Our history is our history, and we cannot rewrite our history.

All I will say to the people of Jamaica, the last time we took on the fight of the politicians, over 800 persons were killed in Jamaica in 1980. Rember this, 'Cockroach no business eena fowl fight'. We must remember that many Jamaicans see our leaders as Backra Massas and they will tell you that we are now enslaved in poverty and being oppressed by our modern day masters. Some will say that we have changed our white backra masters

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Jamaica Gleaner Cartoon

Report from A listener.

Good morning Vernon:. Some friends who are visiting form Atlanta and NY were transacting business downtown Kingston on Wednesday.  I regret recommending that they lunch at Gloria's .  They said ".. the food wasn't that good, it was cold but worse of all, there was no water in the male restroom, and both had cut soda bottles for soap dispensers.  Water was contained in those bottles on the  l counter.


  1. What a sad situation water is life💏

  2. Vernon you hit the nail on the head. Political banter has always been a part of the lexicon of Gordon House. Politicians the world over often engage is trash talk to their opponents. The foot soldiers forget that these people seek to put on a show for the public and for their supporters. It is all part of the psychology of political repartee. Even in debates at school there is this kind of banter, albeit a tad more subtle. The general public had better focus on the real issues of POLICY and leave the drama to the political actors. As a child , it was this kind of banter and drama that I enjoyed when I sat in the gallery at Gordon House.I will never forget the fisticuffs involving the Hon J. P Gyles, or when Keeble Munn walked out of the House with the Mace. There was no Social Media then but Hansard will tell the many stories

  3. So sad, if our leader's could just put aside our lifestyles of negativity and unite to try and fix most of our problems. Things would be a lot better in Jamaica.

    Am trying to figure out out if the manager had checked the water condition before the restaurant was opened?

  4. Well, I guess we'll just say "the more things change, the more they remain the same" we'll never mature, we should not expect better from our Members of Parliament! Do we realize that what seems small and maybe even trivial does add here we are willing to accept the same ole, same ole!! Well expect to get the same ole, same ole.

    Our motto is 'Out of many....One People' it's time we expect more from every one. Let's demand that the MPs show respect for each other, in so doing show respect for our Country and it's People.

  5. What is really the big issue with calling Mark or any male in Jamaica Massa. Isn't this a common expression in Jamaica? "Massa, me nuh know what happen. " Seems to me that Brown-Burke was the one who was offended and not Mark. I believe Mark would have smiled or laughed at the expression but couldn't do so after mother fire fired up. And the whole nation gets caught up in this rubbish when there are serious issues to pay attention to. Kmt . Grow up people

  6. What is good for the goose is good for the gander. Our Culture is very rich - I say this because growing up it was common to hear people say " gwaan bout your business massa" whether in joking or cussing out. Reminds me of this guy in the bank, hard working but very quiet. There was this other one who's always messing around him, without paying him any mind. Well, one day he'd had enough - I was just in time to hear him tell the guy " if you say another word I kill you" I held his hand & moved him office. So I guess they think Dr Clark is a weak fence, not so. Personally, for me I'd prefer if he'd ignore - which is a worse insult

  7. These politicians need to grow up and move forward and just STOP REFERRING TO THE PAST....WI DUN WID DI PAST LONG TIME. We are not our ancestors....we are intelligent and sensible people

  8. Food establishments in Jamaica tends to most of the times dont have a customer bathroom,and the ones that have most times it's out of use because of water issues or something else.its a shame , and people complain but still pack up at these places everyday just the same. I want to know if health inspectors not around anymore?

  9. Sadly we are not done with the past. In this country, reparations were paid to some. They benefited significantly, as have their heirs and successors. Our politicians and our banks pander to the wealthy and suck the poor dry. This has left a negative undercurrent between those who look like the slave masters (Massa) and those who look like the uncompensated enslaved persons. We have ended up with a classism that is distinguished between the rich and powerful, and the poor and down-trodden. The disparity is perpetuated by the banks that are allowed to plunder their clients by offering nothing on their savings. Those who are able to provide collateral are subject to high interest rates on loans, while it appears favorable terms are offered to the Massas of this country.
    The Fitz Jackson piloted bill to overturn the plunder was supported by a sole Govt MP., while thise living high on the hog voted to allowed the plunder to continue. The insanity of the banks raping of poor people to buy luxury yachts without paying dividends is slowly taking the coldron to a boiling point. Government's inability to provide hope and better for the lit of poor people makes it clear thwy are a part of the continuing transfer of wealth from the poor to the rich, as said by the man who received millions in bailout for his coffee farm.
    As it is, neither party seem to care for the increasing class of underprivileged people in this country. The church is silent on these matters or just plain ineffective in dealing with issues affecting the growing class of underprivileged and deprived people. No wonder crime is where it is in Jamaica. Until it is understood that Jamaica's problem is an economic one and not a crime problem, which we spend millions to combat, and waste breath to demand a crime plan, the economic disparity and lack of hope that results in crime will continue to make our country look like a S-hole regardless of the many talents we have shown the world that we possess.

    Let us have political champions who can do more than enjoy political banter and actually accomplish the goals of Vision 2030.


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