Thursday 9 March 2023

SpotOn - Friday, March 10, 2023

Vincent Morrison
Head of UCASE

Special guest for SpotOn on Friday, March 10, 2023, will be President of UCASE Mr. Vincent Morrison. We will be taking a look at the industrial scene. Join me on Riddim FM. SpotOn is aired on Riddim FM from 1000 to 1300 EST, from Monday to Friday.

Christopher Henry

Gabrielle Gilpin-Hudson our regular guest for Real Estate Matters is off this week, and lawyer Christopher Henry will be sitting in for her. He will update you on matters relating to the real estate sector. If you have a place to rent or to sell. or you want a place to buy or to rent, then send a WhatsApp message to me at 876 816-5261.

Tony Fairweather

Tony Fairweather was born in Clapham South, South London, the son of Jamaican parents. He opened one of the first Black bookshops in the UK, with an art gallery and artefacts. He then went on to work for the Voice newspaper heading up its book club.

Tony is the founder and curator of the Windrush Collection and the Windrush Exhibition of artefacts associated with the Windrush generation. He will join me during Talk Yu Talk to give his views on the Wind Rush.



  1. Ok should be informitive😁

  2. The wind rush issue might be very interesting


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