Friday 7 July 2023

What Di Hell!!

What the hell is going on? Where is this happening? What is happening? 

Why am I getting excited and this probably did not happen in Jamaica.



  1. Dunce bat. Very dunce

  2. What d hell indeed. These are the people running our country and they earn more than teachers and nurses, ""disgraceful ""

  3. The Finance Minister said the increased salaries would serve to attract the best minds - well - see it deh!

  4. Can't even read at an average 4th grade level.

  5. What u mean? (In the 1st video) He calls names and IDs the institution. Where else could it be but Jamaica? This is sad.

  6. Jamal.still in.jamaica? Why did that school invited someone who forgot to bring his test glasses to read the paragraphs and he can't pronounced his sentences properly? Because I'm lost for words?

    1. Never criticize someones intellect unless you are sure your critique will be flawless. Disgusting

    2. In that case, no one would criticize anyone, and we all would not grow nor develop.

  7. My heart bleeds for the little boy in the green plaid shirt. Did you see his little face? I hope he gets some Counselling to work through what he saw and his precious feelings.
    These two grown asses, so called adults are not mature enough to settle whatever it is they need to.
    Is there a charge on our books for "Creating public disorder?"
    Charge them, book them into mandatory Counselling and mandatory hours of Community Service to the Institution whose function they attended.

  8. This is how we judge people. He probably has more business and management skills, not to mention commonsense and integrity than most with their degrees and those with their negative comments. But no, that is not how we are taught or socialized to assess others.

  9. I totally agree! Not able to read properly does not make you a dunce. Some of the greatest inventors was not able to read. Jamaica government is full of highly educated people, are they doing a great job, i don’t think so.

  10. The lesson we should learn from this is that we should ask competent persons to do particular tasks, and those persons who are asked to do such tasks should prepare well before they perform that task. This has nothing to do with being bright nor dunce nor who has the intellectual capacity.

  11. No body is perfect sometimes people are very are nervous but the fight was a disgrace


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