Tuesday 22 August 2023

All Roads Lead to Omega Radio - SpotOn with Vernon Derby Will Be Blasting the Airwaves

All roads lead to Omega Radio FM known by many as KLAS FM, when SpotOn will be spot on, Omega Radio. It's the first of its type for afternoon radio in Jamaica. SpotOn is classic, informative, entertaining and dedicated to dealing with people's issues. Your host Vernon Derby is serious about the people's business.

He will leave no stone unturned until he gets your issues addressed. SpotOn will leave no stone unturned in dealing with people's issues. We will be heard in Florida on the radio and on the internet worldwide.

Vernon is an experienced broadcaster who has worked at the Jamaica Broadcasting Corporation, Nationwide News, Riddim FM, and now on Omega Radio.

He started his involvement in national community work when Vernon Anderson, John Small and himself formed the Citizens Initiative Organization in the 1990s.

Click to watch the promo.

Please share this blog with as many people as possible and help to make SpotOn with Vernon Derby continue to be the most powerful people's programme. Click HERE and REGISTER to be a supporter of this great show for the people - SpotOn With Vernon Derby.


The Citizens Initiative Organization - CIO and those Dina Buses.


  1. Best wishes at Omega Radio FM Vernon.

  2. All the best to the Spot On Team on this new endeavor!

  3. Yes Lord ! You have place your servant and the people humble servant exactly where you wanted him to be! This is the real big show with Zidon Mathews and no other than Orville Higgins the master mind behind the sports Desk. Not to mentioned... Clide J... This show can not get any bigger.

  4. Entertainment, Education, Inspiration - Vernon you remain one of the very best on RADIO- as it should always be.
    Truly radio with a distinctly positive difference! Congrats. Keep it up.

  5. Mr Derby, you are UNSTOPPABLE! May God continue to strengthen and guide you.


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