Sunday 27 August 2023

Jamaica is Getting into a Deeper Crisis - Good People Must Act NOW!

Crime location in Mandeville
Jamaica is going down a dangerous road and it is not all about government and politics. Well-thinking Jamaicans need to unite and fight this evil force that is taking over this country. We continue to treat some criminals and ex-convicts as stars. We give them awards. We have cases of persons who have had national awards and there are questions about their integrity and the acts that they have committed. This is a matter that the nation must start to zoom in on with the aim of charting a new path.

Have a look at the video below and you will get the picture. Make your recommendations as to what should be done to put us back on the right path. Do you recognize any of these women? The police should have a talk with them.

Crimminals are organized - it is time for good Jamaicans to unite as one, and speak with one voice. Now is not the time to be silent. This is one time when silence could mean consent to what is happening.

Click here and join the Bark Di Trute Community - Let's stand up against evil!



  1. Sod sadπŸ‘Ή

  2. I am wondering if them two none ambition gal know the robbers I wonder what kind of children them can grow dem look like robber dem self

  3. We're really sliding down the gutter

  4. Fully Dunce πŸ‘ŽπŸΏπŸ‘ŽπŸΏ

  5. Alot of aliens in Jamaica. Fully dunce.

  6. To be honest, if I was the Authorities ever move them make me track them. We must get to the bottom of this. These young men thing them a movie πŸ€” star 🌟. Wait until reality hold them.

  7. I was in Spanish town transport center the day after the incident and I heard a woman she looks over 50 with two young boys about 10 yrs or so and she was spitting the same sentiments, I was so shocked, and she had the same attitude. Something is seriously wrong, and the authorities should seek out these two attention seekers


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