Sunday 13 August 2023

Uptown, Downtown, All Over Town - Di Same Dam Ting!


Licence number 4637KH

My On The Ground Reports states that this truck seen in the picture above, has been parked there for about two months now. This is at the corner of Benson Ave and Shortwood Road in Kingston. This is in front of the Reggae Boys' former residence. The is directly in front of 83 Shortwood Road. new housing development.

The look of this gives you the impression that you are in some depressed area anywhere in the world. This truck has now taken over the sidewalk where pedestrians traverse. This place has been turned into a public garage. It is amazing how residents in this area seem quite happy with this truck being parked there. Once it was downtown but now it's uptown, downtown all over town is one town with the same condition. What a country, what a life! 

I will forward this blog to the KSAC who I am sure will act on it.


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  1. The truck is on an active construction site. It is parked on the sidewalk as the site is close to an intersection where stopping on the road would present a major traffic hazard. Both sides of the road have unpaved sidewalks. The blockage of the sidewalk is on one side only. The other sidewalk has always been available.

  2. Wow ….,unbelievable ….I guess the truck cannot be parked on the site. Current ethos in Jamaica. I do what I want to because I can.


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