Friday 8 September 2023

Nationwide Radio Came Under Attack This Afternoon!

I just got a call that gunmen fired shots at the car park at Nationwide Radio. At least one car was damaged. Those staff who were in the car park and they escaped injuries and also death, must give thanks. We are quite aware of the statements made by the PNP General Secretary about Nationwide Radio recently, but we should not jump to any conclusions at this time linking what Dayton Campbell's statement  to the shooting. There could be more to that shooting. Satan is very active these days. Let's hope the police will be able to get valuable information from those who know what happened.

There is one thing we do not need at this time, and that is a battle between the PNP and the JLP loyalists.  There could be a third party involved and that is the criminal party which wants to destable our country.

I am appealing to all leaders not to make any further accusations which could add fuel to the fire. Jamaica lost approximately 800 persons because of political violence during the 1980 election.We don't want to travel that road again.

It is clear that the criminals have taken charge of our beautiful country. PNP, JLP and all other organizations must unite to fight this monster. They are trying to divide and rule us. Those who fired those shots are neither PNP nor JLP, they are just criminals who need to be put away for a very long time. 

My heart goes out to those staff members who are in a terrible state emotionally. All I can say to them is be strong. We need to deal a deadly blow to these local terrorists.


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  • A Bark Di Trute Supporter is looking for a one-bedroom apartment to rent. 
  • A Bark Di Trute supporter has eggs for sale.
  • A Bark Di Trute supporter is looking for a house or an apartment in Eden Gardens Vineyard Town, Liguanea, off Old Hope Road, Hope Road, near New Kingston or near these areas.  If none is available the person will go further like Barbican or Havendale.
  • A Bark Di Trute supporter needs a job to work as a technical operator in a radio station or any other place where he can utilize his knowledge working with computers.

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  1. They r brazen those gunmen๐Ÿ‘น

  2. This is clearly an act of terrorism! The powers that BE must realize that our Beautiful country is in dire straits and they need now to put the country as first priority and deal swiftly, harshly and firmly with this monster called crime!!

  3. Who ever has given him this job! Will soon have no more Job! Jamaica Eye ๐Ÿ‘€ is still working my people please ๐Ÿ™ keep clam. This is going to be swift and precise the Authorities are on top of things my people.

    1. I hope so, tired of the criminals, and the politicians that believe that their party must be in power all the time. People who are morally and financially bankrupt must not venture into representational politics.

  4. Wow! So very sad!

  5. The politician that make the mischief about nationwide need to be question he knows something

  6. That attack on NNN was organize by the JLP to make the PNP look bad because of the factual statement Dayton Campbell made I was in a conversation with a former aspirant who was supposed to run on a JLP ticket and he mention that we should not be surprise if something like that happen He also said the reason why he backed out of running for the position of MP he was told by a senior member that he should bring the war to them and he will back him (MONS)

  7. Dayton Campbell is a trouble maker. His mouth is so filthy and is going to put him in trouble one day.

  8. My prayers & love to Mr Hughes and his entire team at Nationwide. Hold tight and stand strong Nationwide, all decent and fair-minded journalists and Media houses!!!! We stand with you!
    These criminals making a sad mistake, if they think they can shut up people who love this country and who are determined to restore Jamaica to
    being the Jewel of the Caribbean.

    This is a damn disgrace. I hope it shakes us up enough as a people to see we need to let our voices be heard and we need to act!!!
    Imagine a country where freedom of the press is muzzled!?? I don't even want to.

  9. Words of wisdom, Vernon. The crime situation will never get better until all good people band together, regardless of politics and religion. Take to take care of this beast called crime.


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