Wednesday 4 October 2023

Breaking News! Record Views for Bark Di Trute - September 2023!!!

Since 2023, Bark Di Trute has had over 868,000 views. This has been achieved with your support and with over 1,687 posts. Thanks to writers such as Lois Grant and Dr. Winsome Christie, members of the pharmacy profession, sociologists, and others who have contributed articles. To those who have helped by pointing out typographical errors, thanks.

During September 2023, Bark Di Trute had 98,178 views. This was a record amount. Thanks to those media houses that have featured some of the articles.

This blog has played a significant role in getting matters addressed by both the private and the public sectors. It has been used as a powerful lobby tool and for sharing information. Based on the data, a significant number of persons outside of Jamaica read my blogs.

Special thanks to my siblings, who have contributed material and equipment. To those who have provided me with equipment, which I use to make videos, record speeches and communicate with my thousands of supporters, I thank you. Some persons have provided funds to support the work. Funds were tight this year, but your contributions made a big difference.

Thanks also to those who stayed up late with me during the nights while I put the articles, pictures and videos together for publication.

It is a lot of work to maintain this blog. The support of a few people has made the work lighter. I appreciate the gifts that you have sent to me.

You will notice that I have moved from presenting written material to posting some professional-looking videos. My basic HTML knowledge has enabled me to add other features to the site. I now capture your reports and accept WhatsApp messages from my page.

I will continue to do what with your continued support. Remember that I need your help. The work that I do is not only costly but also time-consuming. Support what is good because that will be good for all of us.

All the best. Walk good, my friend.

Note: If you have benefitted from this blog, or if you have suggestions for improving this blog, then please add your comments.


It's Just a Click


Anonymous said...

You are doing very important work. ...from the foundation fren.

Anonymous said...

U are doing a good job just continue to help the people.

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