Sunday 7 July 2024

Watch The Amazing Executive Director of the NSWMA Joins Workers on the Streets

The Board and Management have transformed the NSWMA into a much-improved organization. Some workers now enjoy tenure of service and are no longer regarded as contract workers. Audley Gordon the Executive Director is a man who knows how to get this done even with limited resources.

Over the years he has proven himself as someone who gets the job done. Dennis Chung has provided excellent leadership as Chairman of the Board and under his leadership, he has certainly cleaned up the financial system.

Today I take the opportunity to share a video of Executive Director Audley Gordon working with his staff to remove garbage from our towns because this can create serious challenges during a hurricane.

Congratulations to the NSWMA for a job well done.

NSWMA Executive Director Joins The Workers in Cleaning up Jamaica

Click to watch the video


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  1. When you can't give a circus....Jamaicans naaasi still so I do not envy him for his job
    ...a cultural shift is needed from the homes and schools to save the new generations.....nuh mek sense dem can master phones an other devices but dem a litter bugs
    ...look to di east.. no not africa....the

  2. Good PR photo but driving around Spanish Town Road Marcus Garvey Drive areas on Saturday I saw piles of garbage up to 4 ft high on sidewalks. And these were not becoz of Beryl. If Kingston had been hit by high winds and heavy rains garbage would have been everywhere including blocking drains. Communities " uptown" had similar problems. Still a long wsy to go.

    1. You should have taken pictures and send me a report. I wonder if the councilor and the Mayor were aware of this garbage? There is a link on the blog where you van make reports.


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