Sunday 7 July 2024

MP Morland Wilson Reports and NWC Pipe is Broken in Stony Hill

Report From MP Morland Wilson:

The Following is a Report of an NWC Broken Main From a Reader:

The leak is on my Neighbor across the street. It is on Kingswood Road, (right across from the NWC area lock-off),  which is off Diamond Road,  which is off old Stony Hill Road.

The leak  is  in Front  of  any meters,  so no one special  is  being  billed.. all of Jamaica  pays for this  water loss.


Keep abreast of what is happening by Clicking Here and subscribing to the Bark Di Trute link. If you have a challenge and cannot contact anyone, send a WhatsApp message to 876 816-521 and I will pass on your information. Take pictures and videos of matters which should be brought to the attention of the authorities and WhatsApp them to 876 816-5261.


Need a retired teacher to assist two children with literacy and numeracy. Send WhatsApp message to 876 816-5261


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