Monday 26 August 2024

Shocking Story of a Son Whose Mother Died at UWI Hospital!

Contributed by a Son Who Lost his Mother at UWI

'Your Health is Your Responsibility'. If yu cannot help yuself den....

The memory of the death of my mother makes me remember the pain she was feeling and how she begged the Staff at the UWI hospital for help.  The staff had zero compassion, nothing near humanity for the way they treated my mother.  I remember one staff telling her when she was asking for some water to drink and the nurse told her,  “This is not a daycare”.   

My mother went into the hospital about 3 days after she realized that the time to pass stool had passed.  She walked into the hospital giving her usual jokes and telling me that she wanted a birthday cake.  It was a Tuesday, 16th of May, Labor Day to be exact so the streets were empty so we got a ride to the nearest hospital, Nuttall Hospital.   

She explained what was happening to her and the nurse knew that the hospital did not have the equipment to assist my mother but she had to register and pay.  The doctor at the hospital interviewed my mother for nearly 2 hours asking her questions as far back as 20 years ago which I found very unnecessary as the issue that my mother had was urgent.  After the interview and after they collected their registration fee, my mother got a referral to UWI. 

Upon reaching UWI at about 11am, we spent another 3 hours between another registration fee, x-ray fee and general waiting for other patients who were in the line before us.  We got through with the x-rays and went to the ER ward where the doctor on the floor did another 2-hour interview asking my mother the same questions the doctor at Nuttall did.  They drew blood and gave her some medication as the pain was not that urgent. 

They admitted her and attached UV tubes and she was not able to drink water or eat food.  She was there waiting for a doctor to see her.  This was about  4 pm.  Up until 8 pm, there was no doctor.  The nurses told me to get some medication from a pharmacy which I did at the same time.  Within 20 minutes I was back at the ER with the medication.  I left her there as she said she wanted to sleep.  I left her there for the night.  At about 10 am when I went back, she was still there, no one gave her the medication as it was still on the table behind her.  We asked the nurse why and the nurse lied that my mother got the fleece and medication.  She looked at a chart and showed me an entry but I asked her where she got the medication from and if it was still behind my mother on the table.  My mother told me no one gave her anything so she was there overnight, no food, no water. 

The nurse eventually gave my mother the medication that she lied about.  The doctor who was on call came and wrote another set of medication on the docket and I went and got it right away.  In the evening at about 4 pm, the medication was still there again and I asked about it, the nurse on duty told me that the doctor forgot to write on the docket how to administer the medication so they had to wait until he came back. So she had to wait another night for him to return.  There was no doctor.  I kept asking them to call him on his phone and they told me that they cannot do that and I have to wait. 

On the third day, still no food and water, the doctor came and said that my mother could go home.  He looked at the X-rays and said he did not see any issues.  I was very happy to hear that.  I went ahead and got her soup and brought her home.  She said that she was not feeling any better and said the pain was coming more.    She ate the soup but vomited some of it. 

We waited a few days to see if the medication that she got and the FLEECE would make a difference and it did not.  We brought her back to the UWI hospital ER floor where she was in more pain than before.  The nurse administered 6 mm of Morphine.  I was very uncomfortable with Morphine as it's always a last-resort painkiller.  

My mother stayed in the ER bed the whole night.  They took her blood pressure and she was the loudest on the ward from the pain she was feeling.  After the morphine soaked in, the doctor came, felt her stomach and left.  That’s it.  He told me that he was waiting for a ward to be empty to admit her so she was in bed all day, no food, just morphine and UV. 

My mother and I spoke for a while before she went to sleep.  She spoke to me just as how she would do at home, always telling jokes.  She said she was hungry but each time she ate the food she vomited.  I left the hospital at about 12 am on the 23rd of May.  I went home to get some sleep and took back clothes for her. 

I got a call at about 5 am in the morning and the doctor told me that the condition of my mother got worse and that they found something in her brain that caused her to go into cardiac arrest.  I told the doctor that there was nothing wrong with my mother 4 hours ago.  I reached the hospital less than half an hour after the call and the doctor in charge who I was seeing for the first time, told me that my mother would not make it and that she had been brain-dead and would not recover.  

I went into the ward and for the first time, I was seeing so many nurses around the bed of my mother trying to bring her back to life.   

It was a very sad moment I will never forget and at that time I realized that my mother was dead.  Neglect, no assistance, all the nurses did was laugh on the ward, on social media, take picture of hairstyles, chatting and playing while patients die. 


This matter has to be investigated. The UWI Hospital administration could end up with a case to answer in our court! Bark Di Trute will give its support to this man to seek justice.

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Send your news and other information by WhatsApp to 876 816-5261. Sources will never be revealed. I am Vernon Derby and you can take my word for that.


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  1. I know how you feel👆🏽 based on my own experience with my father at UWI several years ago.

  2. My sincere condolences to this young man on the passing of his mother.
    The treatment at public hospitals particularly of the elderly needs scrutiny by the administrators.


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