Wednesday, 19 February 2025

Breaking News - All Hell Broke Loose At Meeting Hosted By Mayor Leon Thomas!

Mayor Leon Thomas

It was sheer pandemonium at the meeting in Portmore last night, which was presided over by Mayor Leon Thomas. The police had to be called in. Did we set up this meeting for a war between the JLP and the PNP? Are we setting up things for a war for the next elections? The people of this country must not be a part of this war. We have been there before, and we must not go back there. Why was this meeting called, and what was the expected outcome? What were the objectives?

Why did the people attend the meeting? What did they expect to achieve? Please, I would like some responses. 

We are here fighting for power for a little 2 x 2 country that has been here for possibly millions of years. We are only here for a short time. This land and the world will still be here after we become part of the dust.

Remember, in 1980, over 800 people lost their lives due to political violence. The poor, suffering old people who lived at the Eventide home were consumed in a fire alleged to have been set by thugs. Many others lost their lives fighting for what they did not even know they were fighting for. Fighting against their brothers and sisters who were dragged here on the same slave ships only to be used as slaves by our colonial masters. Those colonial masters must be laughing in their graves and saying, "I told you those descendants of slaves would be better off as slaves."

Let those who want to fight for power and glory fight for it, but let not the people fight against one another when they have nothing to gain.

All we gained from the 1980 elections were dead bodies. All we will gain from the next elections is the same set of politicians. It does not matter which side of parliament they sit on. Just don't allow them to take you for a 'pappy show'.

I understand that one woman was assaulted during the melee and she could file charges for assault.

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  1. Please play the audio clip of The PNP General Secretary at The WC St. Andrew constituency candidate presentation

  2. I just hope the people of Jamaica don't let these hungry for power people drag them in their foolishness we don't want to go back to the killing so many people lost there love ones because people want power in 1980 please don't let us go back there Jamaica people

  3. Shake my head shame shame shame👹

  4. I don't believe Leon Thomas wants Portmore to become a Parish. If Portmore becomes a Parish there would be no job for Leon Thomas, because he is not an elected Councilor.. The Councilors are the ones who would select the Mayor.

  5. That is why I did not attend. The PNP took their thugs there to create mischive. They are hungry for power and will stop at anything. George Lee, former Mayor wanted this years ago and the PNP agreed. I don't see what the excitement is all about now. Portmore is now developed so it can become a parish. TIME COME .😂😄

  6. Peace and love please, don't be fooled my people. If you support wrong doings it will definitely comes back to haunt you

  7. It's always easy to point fingers and cast blame when it suits our agenda! It's evident the government didn't consult with the people of Portmore or their elected representatives on this matter and used their majority in parliament to push their agenda! Clearly it suits their purpose or they wouldn't be so eager to create a new parish! But a parish without amenities and facilities to conduct the people's business is just a ghost!
    It's the people's right to standup for what they believe to be in their best interests and I don't see how this situation can be equated to the 1980 when foreign powers were supplying arms, orchestrating the murder of our citizens, including Eventide and destabilising our country because they did not agree with our duly elected leadership! One has nothing to do with the other and it's disingenuous of the author to draw such inference. There is no correlation between the two and any such attempts are gaslighting and an insult to the intelligence of the people of Portmore who are demanding the respect they are due and their rights to self-determination. A right the government has trampled on by not including them in the discussion!

  8. Disingenuous! My friend, you have a problem with understanding what has been written, or I might not have communicated effectively. You must have heard about the 1980's. I did not see any foreigners running around with guns during the 1980's. I saw Jamaicans' I am lucky to be alive. I did not see any foreigners in the video sent to me of the catastrophic meeting where many went to display their bhutto bahaviour. I certainly would prefer to be a disingenuous author commenting on what is happening rather than being a part of the nastiness that I saw on the video of the meeting at the Portmore Parish Municipal office last night. I would suggest that you be a part of the solution and stop tearing down those of us who are critical of nasty behaviour.


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