Friday, 21 February 2025

Commissioner of Police Dr. Kevin Blake Gives a Powerful Statement To The Nation

We have seen improvements in the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) over the last ten years. More needs to be done, but Jamaicans need to give the officers the support needed now. We cannot support the criminals and the police at the same time. We cannot protect the dons and wash their blooded clothes and then complain that the police are ineffective. We cannot see and be blind, hear and be deaf, and then expect the police to solve all crimes. The police must also listen and work with those of us who are willing to work with them.

We need to hear from our Commissioner of Police, Dr Kevin Blake, at least once per month, speaking with that same calm and authoritative sounding voice heard in the video below. 

Jamaicans must unite with the police to fight crime. Jamaicans For Justice should first be JFJ, Jamaicans For Jamaica. You are fast becoming irrelevant.

Start showing your support for the police in the fight against criminals by sharing this blog with as many people as possible. Thanks.




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  1. It is important for Civics to be taught in school. Most of us don't know our duties as a citizens. We should support our honest Police Officers and assist the JCF to get rid of the bad ones. Can you imagine if we can control this crime monster Jamaica would be a force to reckon with. Our communities need to step up and set up more groups like the neighborhood watch. Criminals don't like these groups, because they know that their activities will be monitored. Mr Darby we need to come up with a national plan, the Police alone cannot do it..

  2. This is madness. How did this clearly insane individual get a doctoral degree? Clearly not by applying any logical thought processes. What purpose is served by the commissioner of police, not a politician or an elected official.attacking civil society groups doing their social function(s) using public funds. This man is dangerous in and to a democratic society. He should be condemned and removed from any position where he can waste the public's money by engaging in propogandizing and attacks against civil society groups. Stop supporting and propping up the real criminal masteminds who bring guns and bullets into Jamaica with your protection. Do your job properly, or resign. You are not our or a king, dummy.

    1. Jamaicans for Justice is not above criticism. I believe I've seen enough to know that criminals in Jamaica are brazen enough to take on the police. Look at how many cronies of the One Order Gang don, including women, were prepared to stir mayhem in Spanish Town because HE DECIDED to take on the police & was killed. You can't determine that we have too many police killings when you don't know the circumstances of these shootings. I think I prefer to know that we have one less heartless criminal on our streets than to hear that a police officer was killed in the line of duty. It's the gamble you take when YOU DECIDE to challenge the police. My only issue is that I think it is full time that all Jamaican police men & women wear body-worn cameras in the interest of transparency.

    2. The first commenter is on point. You cannot have the leadership of law enforcement giving cops the green light to take out civilians who "confront" them. That is a reckless and unprofessional statement to make. It is truly disheartening to see the majority is in agreement as well.
      It is their job to apprehend, not kill. They may under justifiable circumstances do so but an investigation should determine if that was indeed the case. We do not have a death squad, we have a security force. His careless statement will not drive fear in criminals or suspected criminals, it will embolden cops to continue taking out civilians under the guise of fighting crime. With the recent incidents of police personal killings (girlfriends and babymothers) we hear no outcdy or condemnation from the high command. Are we to assume they were criminals also? The security force grapples with the deep and longstanding issues of corruption and misconduct, the commissioner's most recent speech is not helping neither of the two. It is a very sad state of affairs.

    3. I believe that if you take on the state by attacking the police, then you must be prepared to face the consequences. The police should defend themselves when attacked and not play martyrs. I'm sure they are human beings with families.

  3. Fortunately for me, siblings and classmates were taught Civics in Primary School, back in the day. I really don't know why it was discontinued, but it needs to be reintroduced. I agree and applaud Commissioner Blake for his firm stance.He did not train his police to lose and if challenged by any outlaw, shoot dem baxide.

    1. You did not do civics. Nowhere can it be said to shoot civilians. No, you disarm, apprehend and place them before the courts. Every citizen is entitled to their day in court. That is civics, you did divics.

    2. Try disarm someone shooting at you...LOL!

  4. Wow, I was impressed by Dr. Blake's presentation, it made me hopeful that we would see a decrease in the crime stats this year! Yeah!!
    However, in reading the comments I'm not sure what to think? One person was lambasting Dr. Blake, what did he say that was so wrong, he said he supported the work of Indicom, which I understand some Police officers are not 'pleased with', he warned criminals, he asked for community support, for JFJ to be fair in their advocacy, that he aims to have a professional force.....what more can we ask for?
    I'd like to give him an opportunity to prove himself.


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