Thursday, 27 February 2025

President of the Principal Association of Principals of Jamaica, Speaks on the St. James High Controversy

Mr. Linvern Wright

The President of the Principal Association of Principals of Jamaica, Linvern Wright, has commented on the controversy at St. James High School. Based on the feedback I am getting, the school will soon have a new chairman. The Minister Dana Morris-Dixon and others in the government must ask why the St. James High School chairman was reappointed considering the challenges faced in the past. That question must be answered publicly by someone for full transparency.

I do not believe in cluster boards because this would be adding more responsibilities to boards. We need to appoint reputable people who have class to our school boards. We should not appoint people who need home training and who need to go back to school. Could this be one of the reasons for challenges in the classroom? Are schools adding to the criminal elements in society rather than producing well-rounded citizens for the country? Jamaica has enough dignified persons with class capable of sitting on school boards.

Click on the icon below to listen to President Linvern Wright.

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  1. Hip hip Hooray enlightenment has triumphantly entered the fray.
    MOESOE worked rapidly.
    Maas Vernon you I recognized as a stimulant to civility in schools.

  2. Well done Mr Wright you are so right no need for legislative changes just personnel change in this EdSOE.


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