Wednesday, 5 March 2025

READING - A New Parish in Jamaica??


Professors, well wishers, persons of interest, business people, media, politicians, educators, all citizens, and teachers.  The escalation of literacy in Jamaica is a worrying trend, bordering on a horror story.

Especially, when it is noted that most of our illiterates are males. Now an endangered species in Jamaica.

  • 88% National average.
  • Females 93%
  • Males     83%  

The fact that the USA has a 79% literacy rate should be no reason for comfort. Male literacy in the USA is highest.

Jamaica is an anomaly, as most progressive/productive countries on the planet have male literacy at the top.

Has anyone ever looked at some countries with 100% literacy to see if any adaptations could be worthwhile? For example, Finland, Norway, North Korea,  Cuba, Barbados, and Trinidad are at 99% also. 

Illiteracy for any country is very costly. America noted it cost them approximately US$2.2 trillion annually, more than the GDP of many top countries.

Do we need to retrain our teachers, or what is really needed?

Oh perhaps creating a new parish called πŸ“š READING. Population approximately 360,000.

mics πŸ–Špen



The author is a sociologist and a businessman.


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  1. Interesting information that has gone unnoticed

  2. Reading needs to be focused on in the country not a good look as illiteracy can take down a country.

  3. Reading is a basic skill that is very important.

  4. It is true the number of illiterates in Jamaica could rival the Portmore Parish anyday.

  5. It is true the number of illiterates in Jamaica could rival the Portmore Parish anyday.

  6. What is this father male illiteracy is evident how males killing males daily,the way they walk,talk,drive,dress etc only illiterates behave in duch decadent manner.

  7. What is this father male illiteracy is evident how males killing males daily,the way they walk,talk,drive,dress etc only illiterates behave in duch decadent manner.

  8. Missa D what we going to do about this.Does the Ministry of education along with Teachers Colleges,university and the.political leaders have a plan even to have a reading parish you can only get a permit/visa to leave when you can read.

  9. Heeeeelp Janaica needs a Reading Rescue mission.
    If your People cannot read country not going anywhere.


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