Showing posts with label Hillary Clinton. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hillary Clinton. Show all posts

Wednesday 2 November 2016

Fi Wi Concerns By Michael Spence

Westen Jamaica

The truth is that St James/western Jamaica needs helicopters in their fleet for effective rapid response and tracking. St James is not Montego Bay; Westmoreland is not Savanalamar neither is Hanover Lucea. Ten cars sound good but give me even one helicopter as the terrain is not accessible like say Kingston where you can drive to it. Let us say even Canterbury in the heart of Montego Bay is a nightmare to be avoided by any police St James alone on the outskirts is like jungle policing and distance by road is a major obstacle and if things get real bad fighting criminals is like guerrilla warfare. If you have problems in Flankers and then at the same time in Cambridge also Maroon Town and need to hurry some reinforcements to Roehampton. Minister get the police some helicopters for rapid response no traffic jams, no potholes, no roadblocks and no narrow roads to stop them. Think about policing Wareika Hills to give the people living in the Kingston quasi colonial power an idea a similar method would be needed at times02/11/16

Jamaica Assisting The US To Clean Up Electoral System

The solution to clean the rigged USA electoral system is for Jamaica to immediately grasp the opportunity to offer the services of our Electoral Commission at least if ours can be cleaned then Americas would be much easier. Just let them pay us a fee and sign a 300 year contract with an expensive exit clause.02/11/16

The More Minister Shaw Talks…

The more Mr. Shaw talks the more the Jamaican dollar is going to slide because the people detect panic and that he does not know what to do. Do your thing and stop the talking Mr. Shaw so that people won’t hoard and invest in US dollar as a sure source of higher exchange rate and a safe repository for guarding against a weakening Jamaican dollar and inflation.

Why not dollarize?  Expect the argument of sovereignty although we have none really, evidenced by a tax and borrow economic model. Mr. Shaw, the answer is in production, production, production while seeking to develop and deepen the wealth creation processes among the medium and small enterprises. We would be earning earning earning as more people are working ,working working.

Let’s have lower interest rates and the elimination of bureaucracy. All that is happening is talk and more talk that will only make the dollar "whine" and slide.
Wait! Michael Lee Chin headed Economic Growth Council where is that in the scheme of things or is there a humbugging conflict of interest being a banker? If he cannot be found and we are not getting any results then I am calling for a practical and straight talking Butch Stewart to head that committee. First order of business is to lower interest rates then lower taxes while eliminating or reducing bureaucracy and get the masses on board. Away with the IMF inspired Tax and borrow economics.02/11/16

President Kane?

If you are right it will be President Kane after lengthy investigations then impeachment so what's the point of voting her in? This election result will confirm what passes for entertaining rational intelligence among Americans already the laughing stock of the world. The Chinese "you can’t plan a country's future in noise chaos and confusion" seems to be justifying the efficacy of dictatorships. The Russians included also are mocking and disrespecting the USA president and democratic processes. Included among them is Rodrigo Duterte president of the Philippines who I would refer to as”anti drug crazed madman" who disparagingly refers to President Obama as the "son of a whore" and told to “go to hell.” During a trip to China is unforgivable no matter what.

Aids Health Care Foundation

The Aids Health Care foundation "currently provides compassionate care to more than 600,000 people living with HIV across 37 countries and 15 states within the USA." Based on this math Jamaica would be eligible for 11,538 to be assisted. Dr Harvey kindly tell us how many persons in Jamaica are now diagnosed with aids needing drug treatment and how many of that number needs that help on compassionate grounds?01/11/16

President Trump?

A few days before the historic election in the United States and Donald edges ahead so it looks like President Trump? Get used to it. The surge of Trump in the last days before the elections in America. is like Andrew/JLP in the last election in Jamaica. Hillary peaked long ago too early and now they are out of cards to draw because they have drawn them all, long ago.

The ideas that favours Trump are: America is largely a patriarchal society, so no woman president. The feminist movement is showing their colours and are too upfront so men are getting scared because they would just done dead. Can one imagine the head of the most powerful nation on earth headed by a woman?

Trump is saying jobs, jobs, jobs, lower taxes for job creators an incentive for companies to stay at home and return home. Hillary's email scandal reinforces the concept of careless and reckless. The disgraced Democratic congressman Anthony Weiner and Hillary's right hand/confidante Huma being the estranged wife of that congressman does not help. Not to mention the sexual exploits of husband Bill before and during his presidency and her understandable support for him throughout cast doubts on her stance on sexually exploited/abused women makes Trump's boastful erotic chat sound like a Sunday school.01/11/16

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