Showing posts with label Portia Simpson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Portia Simpson. Show all posts

Tuesday 19 May 2015

Mining In The Cockpit Country???

Montague Calls for Transparency in The Cockpit Country Mining Issue
Senator Robert Montague, Shadow Minister on Mining and Energy, says that he is calling for full disclosure on issues surrounding the cockpit country mining issue.

JLP Shadow Minister Montague is expressing concern with regards to allegations of mining in the protected Cockpit Country Area.
Senator Montague stated “The response of the Government so far is weak and inconclusive. These allegations have revealed that there are major issues in mining to be resolved.”

In release today the Senator says that the issues at hand are:
·         The Cockpit Country is a protected area,
·         It is where 40% of Jamaica’s water comes from,
·         It is home to many protected species of plants and animals.
Government Promise Broken?
He went on to say that the government had given a firm undertaking not to allow mining in the area. He also said that the government must accept the traditional boundaries of the Cockpit Country and take all necessary steps to prevent mining and associated activities.

Senator Montaque says that:
  • He is calling on the government, to make public any agreement, permit or licenses it has with Noranda Jamaica Bauxite Partnership (NJBP), with regards to permission for mining.
  • The Opposition also want NEPA and the Mining and Geology department to have a permanent monitoring presence in this sensitive and protected area.

Thursday 14 August 2014

Another Black Youth Bites The Dust At The Hands Of The .......?

The first picture shows what Mario Deane looked like after being changed for a ganja spliff and being locked up in the Barnett Street lock up in Montego Bay and the second one shows how he looked prior to that..

Source - Jamaica Observer

Many persons overseas especially, complained that Jamaicans are an homophobic country and persons who are gays are abused in Jamaica.. The fact is, it is a way of life for young men generally to be abused by those who are to serve and protect.

The question is are we going to allow this to continue? The Prime Minister declares regularly that she loves poor people yet she has not said a word about this matter. Is she working, working, working and is she working to see that there is justice for this poor Jamaican youth?

The latest news is that two other prisons have been charged for beating Mario. The sad joke is that it  has been reported that the two men who have been accused have, had psychological problems and it is possible they will not be able to defend themselves properly in court.

News just emerging also is that one of the accused have been given a severe beating. One wonders if these two accused will live to  have their day in court. Help to save these young men lives by passing this blog on to at lease twenty persons. I believe that these men are going to lose their lives in prison. Their relatives are very poor and they cannot even afford the services of a lawyer.

The only day we will see real change in this country is if the Minister of Security, The Minister of Justice and the Acting Commissioner is required to resigned.

We need to have a national identification system and used persons ID number to issue tickets for petty offences rather than locking these persons up. It was reported about another case of a man who was looked up for over two months for a petty crime without being brought before court. The man case was dismissed.

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