Showing posts with label student. Show all posts
Showing posts with label student. Show all posts

Sunday 8 March 2015

FI WI CONCERNS 2015 - Michael Spence

Kayalicia Simpson Killed

A Newspaper article states that  14-year-old Kayalicia Simpson, the Donald Quarrie High School promising model student who was hacked to death, was pregnant came as no surprise to residents of the Newlands Housing Scheme in St Thomas, This case bears out the point that if you see or suspect anything funny regarding a child involving any person or adult do not wait to tell it to the authorities you could save a life. In this case all involved in and around that household should be brought to book in the first instance. Let this case be a precedent that the media can run with it like they do with less serious cases of fraud and other politically connected matters only because high profile persons are involved. Let every child in this country be high profile and important. In many of these cases I have seen it is revealed after the tragedies that people in and around the district, street or community either knew or had their suspicions and no one said anything. These are horrendous crimes and should be included at the level of CRIME STOP infrastructure with all the witness protection and  the secrecy involved. 07/03/15

 Steer Town - Disaster Waiting to Happen!!!

Steer Town in St Ann and environs is a disaster waiting to happen and deeper holistic interventions need to take place and at least stop the rot. If not, Kingston roughest areas will be like Sunday schools in comparison. The squatting especially must be nipped in the bud as many people from Kingston's roughest areas from both political divides have migrated to these areas so they bring some of the unsavory garrison attitudes to bear. Many decent poor people squatting in Green Bay have had to flee the growing criminality and uncouth behaviour of the many new residents. Member of Parliament Shahine Robinson said “the challenges facing the community are not insurmountable, with many of them due to poverty”. The newly installed Superintendent of Police the capable, competent and personable Steve Brown will have the support from law abiding citizens but policing alone cannot solve those problems .There has to be a holistic approach to the problems which are truly not insurmountable. 03/03/15

 Is Your Water PH Right

I noticed in one newspaper article a number of water bottles having the names of schools competing for supremacy at the upcoming boys and girls championships The Ministry through the Bureau of Standards and The Scientific Research Council should make sure that all this water is PH7 or above or at the required standards meaning that the water should range from neutral to alkaline and be mainly H2O.This demonstrates a deepening of capitalist competitive free enterprise reaching into every aspect of life including church and school. Now we are sure that socialism is truly dead and buried in Jamaica and many other places never to return.3/3/15

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