Monday 2 May 2016

FI WI CONCERNS 20160502 - Michael Spence

Defense For Citizens 

The police cannot protect us from criminals so in many cases the weapons are defensive not offensive and not all can afford a gun but they can a knife or a machete for a kind of self-help security. This law is discriminatory, oppressive and another attack on the poor and defenseless. Why not therefore institute licenses or permits for defensive items like knives, machetes, scissors, ice pick etc. Criminals need no permits to carry guns so why arrest a person who has knife as a defensive weapon against some of the same criminals.28/04/16

 Crash Spots

What about fixing the crash spots on the roads, making the roads safer, sidewalks for pedestrians all those and more should be done before the traffic act is passed because it is mainly about collecting more money when presently less than 50% of fines are collected. It seems there was a target in dollar terms so if they double and triple the fines then only collect 40% the target would have been met. I say collect what is out there enforcing the present laws before you consider increases in this weak economy. Do you have jails to lock up all those who cannot pay? 26/04/16

That Bad Gas

Minister of Science, Energy and Technology, Dr Andrew Wheatley while voicing disappointment with the non-identification of a specific source of the gasoline contamination, Dr Wheatley said the Government would be moving hastily to examine the recommendations of the committee. This is what I expected because never forget "he who has economic power has real political power" Karl Marx. Ask Trevor Munroe or even when you get a chance as he is also fighting a dead horse with marginal success with his National Integrity Commission. The 21 families
owning more than 90% of the Jamaican economy is alive and running well getting stronger our political leaders and managers just have always to dance to their music. Welcome to the real world of Jamaican politics Minister Wheately and do not remain disappointed.23/04/16


As far as i am concerned dump this Caricom .I do not even have a valid passport because I DO NOT WANT one that says CARICOM PASSPORT and i am told that's the only one i can get, is that true?. I have traveled to all Caricom countries never had a problem personally but i am in solidarity with my less fortunate brothers and sisters their problem is my problem. As a Jamaican do i have a constitutional right to demand a Jamaican passport? i believe strongly it should be optional. I do not see the benefits for Jamaica even from a trade point of view with Trinidad is a huge imbalance so NO NEED TO BOYCOTT JUST BUY JAMAICAN to BUILD JAMAICA to regain our self esteem. 23/04/16

Policing In The West

St James or let us say Western/rural Jamaica and the methods of policing cannot be the same as for Kingston that is why McGregor must be confused. W Jamaica must have embedded intelligence, helicopters and rural sociologist to work with along with the Age old community police called District constables. Crime in St James and neighboring parishes is the result of the death of rural economies because the Kingston governments put rural last if any at all but they are quick to solve all the problems with police and soldiers which will not happen unless the cause of crime is identified and dealt with. Right now police have basket to carry water and people blaming the victims which include the commissioner.23/04/16

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