Thursday 19 May 2016

Letter From A Listener To The NWC

(Slighted Edited)

Dear Mr. Barnett

Reference Number - 341-6045 – Overflowing sewage at 28 Hurdles Avenue, Stadium Gardens

The residents of Stadium Gardens, in particular Hurdles Avenue and Sprint Close are totally frustrated with the National Water Commission, Housing Agency of Jamaica, Ashtrom and any other body that is associated with the building of this scheme.  Since last year, the citizens have been undergoing constant issues with overflowing sewage and the foul odour associated with same.  To date the citizens have not been told the reasons for the numerous overflows of sewage and the measures that are being made to have the situation resolved.  The issue is a threat to public health and safety, as there are several children living in the vicinity the youngest being 1 month old; Children have to be inhaling the obnoxious odour from the overflowing sewage.  I strongly believe that this nuisance has caused several outbreaks of bumps on my son’s skin.

Since writing this letter on May 13, 2016, the sewage began overflowing approximately 8:00 a.m. on Saturday morning; I called Melanie McCalla who called the mobile team; I’m uncertain whether they actually came.  At about 12:30pm I saw a team from NWC, they were doing other things to the pump however when I got home the sewage stopped running.  On Sunday morning, approximately 10:00 a.m. the foul odour followed by the overflowing sewage started again.  I called Ms. McCalla again (several times throughout the day); at 6:15p.m the team advised that the line was blocked and at that time nothing can be done until Monday, May 16, 2016.  May 18 and May 19, 2016, the same thing happened.

When will NWC fix the problem, as a citizen  I am paying my water bill which includes a cost for sewage; as a result I don’t believe I should be at a discomfort living like this.  My nose is constantly burning me as the sewage odour is unbearable.  The residents advised that the pump-house was to be expanded/ upgraded to accommodate Phase 2; if this was done the residents are unaware as there has always been an issue with sewage in the scheme.  Now there is Phase 3 when will this situation be resolved?  If this continues much longer I may have to withhold the payment for the sewage section on my bill as I am living and breathing sewage.

I would like to know what plans NWC has in correcting this issue.

Your urgent attention is required on this matter.

Copy: Peter Knight – Chief Executive Officer, National Environment Planning Association
Angella –Brown Burke, Mayor Kingston and St Andrew
Julian Robinson, Member of Parliament South East St. Andrew
Andrew Swaby, Councillor, Vineyard Town Division
Vernon Darby, At Your Service – Nationwide News Network
Jamaica gleaner

Jamaica observer

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