Saturday 25 March 2017

The Ride Of My Life - Vernon Derby

Friday, March 24, 2017, is a day I will never forget.  I am usually up for work at the sound of the soothing music coming from both of my phones. I certainly can't afford to be late for work so I use two phones to wake me up. In the past one phone either went dead because it was not left to charge or because the system just failed and the phone failed to alarm.

Something unusual happened last Friday. I didn't have a nightmare, a mosquito in their annoying fashion didn't decide to wake me up early nor did the phones wake me up. I just woke up earlier than usual.

I believe that everything happens for a reason, so I got up and started to get ready for work. I had my usual cup of coffee spiced with a little white rum, a hard boiled egg and two slices of bread. Ever since I have had chik-v and zik-v I noticed that my resistance has become quite low, so I took a vitamin tablet and also a fish oil tablet to help to maintain the immune system

I literally jumped into my pants and zipped up carefully because sometimes I zip up without being careful, and I zip up what I am not suppose to zip up and I end up feeling some excruciating pain. My undershirt, brief, shirt, shoes and socks were on in the twinkle of an eye and I was ready to head out in my Susuki Swift car which can take off like a rocket. The journey to work can take me about 10 minutes if I leave out before 6:00 am. It was after 7:00 and the traffic was building up on Molynes Road.

Nothing seemed abnormal about the traffic as I proceeded along Molynes Road towards Halfway Tree. After going across Washington Boulevard, I realized that going to work and reaching on time would be a major challenge that morning.

I looked at the long line of traffic which was moving at a very slow pace. About 100 feet ahead of me I noticed a NWSMA garbage truck collecting garbage. The garbage truck stopped to collect garbage and of course the long line of traffic stopped moving also. I watched as the workers packed the garbage into the truck. I am not sure whether or not they were enjoying their jobs or they just enjoyed the power they had because the truck stopping every now and again and all the drivers behind had to stop and wait until the garbage truck moved again.

They had no such powers over the illegal taxi driver who just went over to the right side of the road, floor the gas pedal, tooting his horns repeatedly and forcing the incoming traffic to clear way so that he can drive freely on the right side of the road.

With the garbage truck moving slowly on Molynes Road, it became clear to me that there was no way that I could begin my broadcast at 8:30 am.

I saw a bike rider through my side mirror literally flying down the road. I yelled at him and asked him to stop. Oh yes, he did stop. He probably felt that I was a police officer in an unmarked police car. I instructed him to go across and park at the Olympia Hotel on Molynes Road and I followed him. He promptly obeyed my instructions!

I said to him, "Sir thank you very much for stopping. I will not reach to work in that traffic on the road and I am asking you to take me to 6 Bradley Avenue. He agreed to take me and I hopped on to the back of the bike with my lap-top in hand. I left my car there at the hotel.

He took off like a airplane on Molynes Road heading to Woodglen Drive.  When he took off, I am sure that my stomach fell out, my heart stopped beating, I gasped for air and I held onto that air for dear life. I also held on to the bike because I felt I was holding on to my dear life.

When he made the right turn onto Woodglen Avenue, I am also sure that my head touched the road. There was heavy traffic on the left and also on the right. He stopped the bike, placed one foot on the road, revved up the engine and tooted his horn. Of course the loud repeated blasts of his engine must have put some fear into those drivers ahead of him. I saw a narrow space between the cars. He tightened his grip on the bike handle, gave one last rev, took his foot off the road and the bike was speeding though the small space between the cars at supersonic speed. In a second he was at the end of Woodglen Drive which intersects with Hagley Park Road.

We took a side road and in a fraction of a minute we were in Richmond Park. The traffic was not moving at all in that area but that did not affect my bike taxi. We turned left on to Maxfield Avenue where the traffic as just as bad.

Five minutes ago I was on Molynes Road caught up in a traffic snarl created by a NSWMA garbage truck. A journey which would have taken me about 45 minutes in that traffic to 6 Bradley Avenue. In about five minutes I was at the gates of Nationwide 90 FM.

My heart started beating again, I started breathing and I checked to see if my laptop was still in my hand - yes it was. "My name is Vernon Derby and what's your name?" I said to the young rider. We exchanged telephone numbers and he was on his way to work.

I was on time to start my show. "Welcome to At Your Service.......", I said to my listeners who had no idea of that experience.

After the show ended I linked up with my bike taxi rider. He told me that he does part-time work at a bank. He was also studying at the UWI but he had to discontinue his course of study when he was in final year due to lack of funds. He also said that he was now trying to complete his ACCA. He also said that he is a footballer and has played in the Premier League.

There are still good persons in Jamaica who will help others even when they are taking a risk. That's why I continue to help others because when you do good, good will follow you.

That young rider took me to work in five minutes on a route that could take possible 45 minutes. I now have a new friend. Wha gwane Akeelie :)

I will never forget Friday, March 24, 2017!!!


Unknown said...

This was an interesting and adventurous read. It is true that you get what you give. Continue to do good Mr Derby.

Vernon Lloyd Derby said...

I wrote from my heart. Thanks.

Tavia said...

living dangerously. Drama is not a hobby its your life. lol

Unknown said...

He did a good deed although dangerously. God bless him for helping out. 😁

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