Friday 8 September 2017

A Fi Wi Concerns - Michael Spence

According to a Bill Johnson Poll of  Jamaicans analyzed by Leachim Semaj island wide (52 per cent) of young Jamaicans, between the ages 18 and 24, would pack their bags and leave, while more than four in every 10 persons between the ages 25 and 34 would also migrate at the first opportunity.
They sadly leave to build other countries Semaj because our leaders have so selfishly/corruptly ordered things that they cannot find opportunities or access capital at civilized interest rates to do business and build this country.

When our leaders get sick they make available to themselves insurance for air ambulances and medical care overseas paid for by poor tax payers of Jamaica some of whom die in the squalid conditions at health care facilities locally.

They import high end vehicles duty free for ministers and 20% concessionary rates for others lower down the ladder, they reserve the best security for themselves while the rest of us get shot, robbed, killed and maimed by criminals.

Now Mr Semaj, these are only some of the litany of injustices compounded by bureaucrats why the educated leave or want to leave perhaps embracing the revolutionary thought of a forward thinking Che Guevara "I am a citizen of the world I live, rule and fight anywhere".

Today we live in a globally capitalist world where we are citizens and people are willing to live, work, raise families, live in peace and harmony anywhere possible even Jamaica. No problem we Jamaicans are citizens of the world we can be located in every country on the planet and unfortunately in many of the prisons also. Lets get it right after 55 years of paper independence our leaders have in parts made a made a imperial mess of the country.Let us fulfill the Jamaican dream with Tinga Stewart "Nuh weh nuh betta dan yaad" .

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