Wednesday 3 January 2018

Probe on Palisadoes Congestion Then What???

The Police High Command has ordered a probe into the circumstances which resulted in a traffic gridlock along the Palisadoes main road in Kingston during the staging of a party on Monday, January 01, 2018. After this probe one wonders what will happen next.

In their release the police said, "Reports are that a party was being held at 7th Harbour Entertainment Complex when, shortly after 5:00 p.m., a heavy influx of motorists started to arrive at the area. However, several of them refused to co-operate with the Police to use the designated parking area and the shuttle bus system that was provided for the event, resulting in traffic congestion.
Police reinforcement was called in to assist with traffic management.  The situation was eventually brought under control after much effort by the response team."

Am I to understand that it is from reports that the JCF knew about this party? "...influx of motorists started to arrive", the release continues. A big New Years party was being held so what is expected, an influx or a line of cars or a few cars? Now let's go further. The motorists refused to 'co-operate' with the police to use the designated parking area the release explained. If the motorist did not comply with the directions of the police I am almost sure the officer could charge them but since they only failed to cooperate I guess nothing could be done.

So these uncooperative motorists cause the traffic congestions and not the police who couldn't manage the situation. Congratulations to the police because reinforcement was called in to assist with traffic management and the situation was eventually brought under control. I wonder how long it took for the reinforcement to arrive and how long it took to bring things under control? I understand that persons were caught up in the traffic snarl for up to five hours. I wonder if this is true???

The JCF release closes by saying that they regret the inconveniences which resulted from the traffic congestion and it is doing a review on the incident as they seek to put measures in place to prevent any such recurrence.  

Flights were delayed, passengers missed flights, persons were held up for hours and we refer to this as inconvenience. The airlines should state their financial loses. Loses due to late arrival at the next port, staff not being able to continue to work a flight due to extended working hours, cost of passengers staying overnight at hotels and the cost of additional staff to deal with the delay. Persons probably lost their jobs or were penalized because they did not return to work on time. Persons might have missed connecting flights and lost their luggage also. I am sure this list is much longer and the losses cannot be dismissed as being inconveniences!!!

One senior police officer said that his department was not consulted. Police should not wait to be consulted but should be aware of what is happening in the country and be proactive about it.

We will have a probe and then what? Will it be business as usual?

Almighty us!!!


Micspen said...

nine day wonder as usual whats new.

Vernon Lloyd Derby said...

Oh yes.

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