Tuesday 11 September 2018

Traffic Gridlock In The City - Vernon Derby

Spanish Town Road Blocked off.

Traffic Gridlock In Kingston

The work on our roads in Kingston is not only having an adverse effect on the transportation sector but also on businesses. It now takes some persons two or more hours to reach to their place of work which impacts their ability to be punctual for work. Some business places are now unaccessible to their customers and consequently these places might have to be closed.

Hose Specialist & Accessories and other Businesses Might Close

Hose Specialist & Accessories which is located at 311 Spanish Town Road in Kingston might have to close it's doors and send home it's workers because sections of Spanish Town Road has been closed.

NWA  has blocked off side roads like Cockburn Avenue that would normally allow customers from Olympic Avenue to Hose Specialist & Accessories.

If we are planning to grow the economy then something ought to be done to keep these business going. We cannot closed down these business for possible eight months.


We need to explore the following:

  1. Working on the roads at nights.
  2. Having Portmore and other persons living outside of the city to park in a designated area and then buses are used to take them into the city.
  3. Publishing a manual with information and maps to help motorists navigate through the city.
  4. Pay a sum to affected businesses to maintain basic salaries for workers who have to be laid off and also to assist in covering fixed costs.
  5. Stagger the opening hours of schools and businesses.
  6. Have a morning and evening radio traffic programme to give information on the traffic situation in the city.
  7. Have traffic monitors take pictures of traffic offenders which would be used in the prosecution of those who commit traffic offences..
  8. Have traffic monitors take pictures and report on illegal and legal traffic operators. Licenses of the offenders to be cancelled and their vehicles removed from the streets.
I welcome other ideas from you. I will pass on your ideas to our government officials. Please share this blog with your friends.

We can suffer in silence or speak up and have things changed.

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