Saturday 25 May 2019

Real Meaning of Labour Day

The following message was received from Marcia:

Dear Mr. Derby,

I fully agree with you that since 1972 the real meaning of Labour Day has been lost. The irony of it is that putting work into Labour Day was introduced by a Prime Minister who was from the Trade Union movement. Some years ago, I was reminded of what Labour Day was all about on a visit to Guyana which commemorates Labour Day on 1st May,. Thus in Jamaica real issues affecting workers are overshadowed and the struggle of workers. See article at link on the Future of Work:

We have become like the USA where Labour Day in September has become about sales and picnics and marks the end of summer. In the USA, Trade Unions are now quite weak and workers' rights are being trampled on - low wages, few benefits, no maternity leave for women, etc.

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