Monday 16 March 2020

From the desk of the Digicel Data Doctor

How to keep your smartphone clean

Washing your hands is vital and if you’re worried about germs on your smartphone, you can clean it effectively with simple soap and water.

Here’s how.

·       Unplug your phone, turn it off and remove the case. All the major phone manufacturers warn against using chemicals, hand gels and abrasive wipes on your device as this can damage the screen; protective coating. 

·       Dampen a micro-fibre cloth with water and simple household soap. Gently rub the surfaces of the phone with the damp cloth. Take care not to get moisture in any openings. Even water-resistant phones can lose their protection over time.

·       Finally dry your phone with a clean micro-fibre cloth. Just using soap and water can effectively remove bacteria and viruses from your phone.

Just remember, as soon as you touch your phone, you’re going to get germs back on it so make sure that you keep washing your hands regularly and thoroughly.

Don’t forget: Prevention Starts With You.

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