Thursday 4 March 2021


March 04, 2021
– Detectives assigned to the Clarendon Police Division arrested and charged  25-year-old Kemar Dunkley, a taxi operator of Victoria district, Rochester in Clarendon with multiple charges after he assaulted a policeman in the town centre of May Pen, Clarendon on Thursday, March 4. 

Dunkley was slapped with the following charges:

Dangerous Driving 

Disobeying a Constable

Resisting Arrest

Assaulting Police

Assault Occasioning Bodily Harm and

Malicious Destruction of Government Property 

The charges are in relation to an incident that began unfolding about 9:00 a.m. Dunkley reportedly attacked a policeman and assaulted him after the Policeman attempted to cite him for a traffic breach. It is alleged that Dunkley disobeyed the Policeman’s signal to stop, attempted to hit him with his motor car and then exited the vehicle and physically assaulted the Policeman, trying to disarm him of his service pistol. 

After fracas, Dunkley was arrested and taken to the station where he was formally charged. 

His court date has not been finalized.

See dramatic video!!!

Note: I wonder if more charges are pending? I wonder also if the police could take civil actions? The police probably suffered a back injury and probably went through a period of serious depression after this incident.

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