Sunday 4 April 2021

Former PNP General Secretary, Maxine Henry-Wilson Out Of Hospital.

Former Minister of Education and General Secretary of the Peoples National Party who was confirmed with Covid-19 virus is now out of hospital.

Her daughter Seya reported this on her mother's Facebook page. Seya expressed thanks to the hospital staff and others for their support.

Many Jamaicans became very concerned when another person who has played a central role in national political life had become ill with the virus.

Vaccines are now here to treat Covid-19 and yesterday many members of parliament were encouraging senior citizens to take the vaccine. One MP reported that younger relatives did not want their senior relatives to get the vaccine. It was also said that one young relative wanted his older relative to prepare his will prior to taking the vaccine.

I makes you wonder why young relatives would not want to see their elderly relatives take the vaccine since they are more vulnerable? This could be prove to be very interesting to find out why they don't want these senior relatives to be vaccinated.

Mrs. Maxine Henry Wilson is Married to Glastone Wilson, a former broadcaster at the now defunct Jamaica Broadcasting Corporation (JBC)

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