Monday 31 May 2021

Stubborn Drivers Must Feel It!

Driver refusing to
follow orders 
of the police
Drivers continue to get into arguments with the police on our roads. Drivers, you must stop it. Comply with the orders of the police and then you go to court and argue your case in court.

Can you imagine if there is an emergency and the police ask you to move your vehicle and you refuse to move your vehicle? You could end up preventing an officer from dealing with a serious problem.

Drivers you are in charge of your motor vehicles and the police officers are in charge of law and order on our streets therefore you must comply with their orders. All I would say to police officers is be courteous but firm and if we give you trouble then you might have to throw all the law books at us.

The following video was sent to me but the original source is unknown.

Driver refuses to obey the police

These are examples of what happens on our roads when the drivers refuse to follow the law:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Too much undisciplined drivers or on the road. It is obvious that they were not trained to be drivers.

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