Wednesday 16 June 2021

A System To Wreck Car Owners - A Blog Reporter

Gleaner Picture

Good day brother Vernon. Pickersgill as a former Transport Minister once said, "The law is not always justice". He did not state the extent to which it can be imbecilic. Follow me on this one: 

One is driving a properly licensed motor vehicle. The registration certificate and license plate show this. The license disc on the windscreen however got damaged while the plastic was being separated from the disc itself. The"LA number is unclear. You are ticketed to pay JAD1000. 

The litany of woes unfurl however when you are not sent to the tax office to replace it, but your vehicle is wrecked to a car pound, imposing on you wrecking fee, pound storage fee, and the owner going back and forth lasting up to a whole day between the pound, police headquarters, Transport Authority and the Tax Office. 

They unleash on you a wrecking company that is private to charge you as they feel. This matter of vehicle seizure to my mind, needs exploring, It looks like extortion and racketeering to me, unbridled. The police are on the take with the companies. I'm going through this as we speak. Hoping you can interrogate the process with more than one stakeholder/villain participating.

From a Blog Reporter

Note: Your comments to the post can help to change things. Add a comment.


Unknown said...

It is racketeering in my view, taking place now over a long period of time.

I Care said...

It's so terrible, this happened to my brother earlier this year, it was so breaking to see him go through this.


Unknown said...

There are laws for the rich and laws for the poor.
The people with a little power use it to fill their pockets and poor people are left with little or nothing to feed themselves and their children.
Why not a ticket? Why are wreckers engaged to distress people. Isn't the transportation authority looking into these things?

Unknown said...

This have been happening for years and no one cares because its not hitting the government where it would hurt. They still agt their revenue, you want you vehicle so you cry and continue the process. The day when all whom are affected by said action decides to join forces that's the day all this will come to an end. Remember salary was not abolished because one enslaved person faught, it was abolished because 1000s faught against it...together we achieve more...

Unknown said...

This has been going on for a long time.
Could the Integrity Commission look into it.
However, I will continue to pray that one day soon, the good Lord will expose their evil and nefarious deeds.

Empress Leona said...

The purpose of the law is to administer justice. If justice is a missing component then the law is not real law; pseudo-law. The sticker should only serve as an immediate sign of the status of the car. If somehow this is not visible there are documents that would be sufficient proof of registration.

There seems to be a "culture" of corruption. it is so prevalent that some can no longer recognize it unless done in a particular and obvious manner. This matter here should be challenged in the court, whether justice will be awarded or not.

Unknown said...

Many wreckers are owned by policemen

Unknown said...

Imagine your own government is against you. Then they expect that you should not be against one another.

Marvelous Marven said...

I've had my experiences with them , it's very stressful and depressing, and they're lawless in opinion, and they rush down on your vehicle like when johncrow spot rotten meat.

Megatony said...

Ppl are benefitting from this scam including some in authority. It will not stop, the man them a eat food

Unknown said...

This is just one example of the degree of corruption taking place within the police force. Trust me, been there, done that.
Bring in foreign undercover agents to work alongside MOCA. Review legislation dealing with corrupt public servants.

Unknown said...

Sometimes I think Jamaicans hate each other.There exists the poorest service and many ppl are so callous.One of the reasons violence is so prevalent. No one thinks about the other

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