Sunday 20 June 2021

Father's Day From Vernon

Fathers Day & Its Meaning To Us - Vernon Derby

Today is Father's Day

And many have a lot to Say.

For some it is Sad

For Some they are Glad

Dad is always There

Dad is always Near.

For some he is never There

So he is not so Dear.

For some there is no one to say Dad

And to know it's your little Girl or you little Lad.

Remember in every Man

Upon the Lan'

There is a Dad in You -

So whatever you Do

To you I Say

Have a wonderful Fathers Day

Note: Thanks to the women who helped us to be good fathers. 😄


Click on the links below and enjoy the show:

  1. My Sister, Octavia Smith's Tribute to fathers on Fathers Day.
  2. Jehovah Shalom Acapella sings for Fathers Day.
  3. A new song from Rojjah a father and a friend  



Just sis G said...

Happy father's to all the wonderful father's out and to the one nor so wonderful make the change to be wonderful Have a bless day Dads

Vernon Lloyd Derby said...


Unknown said...

Happy father's day to you Vernon and all the well deserved fathers .May you all have a restful and reflective one..Blessings

Marvelous Marven said...

Happy father's day to you Mr Derby.
A father is someone you look to no matter how tall you grow, have a great day to you and all the great fathers out there .

Unknown said...

Happy Father's day to the many great men who are being the example for their children to follow.

Unknown said...

Cheers!! To the men,real men who father their and other children, let us be true to our God given responsibilities as fathers.

Unknown said...

And thanks to you mr derby all the best on this fathers day.

Vernon Lloyd Derby said...

Thanks and you have a great day.

Vernon Lloyd Derby said...

Much appreciated.

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