Wednesday 23 June 2021

Jamaican Producing Music To The World - 'Typical Jamaican'

Wilburn Henry

Wilburn Henry

Wilburn Henry the writer of this new song 'Typical Jamaican', was born and raised in Cole Gate, St. Ann in the island of Jamaica. He wrote his first song when he was thirteen years old. Wilburn was very active in music and drama in high school and also church. 

In 1989 one of his songs came in the top ten of the Jamaica Festival Song Competition. That song was called Fama Man

He subsequently migrated to Canada in 1991 and that same year his group 'Hot & Dangerous', was a finalist in the Jones And Jones Talent Search. Jones & Jones was started by two Jamaicans Denise and Allan Johnson.

Hot & Dangerous release one single in Jamaica called 'Light my Fire'. He then went solo and released 'Can We Save The World' which was followed by the release of his first album called 'Life'.

The song 'Typical Jamaican', which has been released recently is called Typical Jamaican and is performed by Rojjah, Rojjah. Rojjah is one of the Jamaica's leading performers on the North Coast. He has performed on major shows  in Jamaica and also overseas.



It seems as if Typical Jamaica was written by Wilburn Henry, specifically for Rojjah. His distinctive tone backed by the pulsating reggae rhythm is a piece of Jamaica that will take the world by storm.

Word on the ground is that Rojjah will be the new lead singer for the Toots Hibbert band. This song which I am sure will be a part of his repertoire is sure to take the world by storm

Rojjah is affiliated to Artistes For Change.

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Megatony said...

Toots, big shoes to fill

Unknown said...

Check and see if he has a social media pròfile.. fb, etc

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