Thursday 24 June 2021

Life of A Police Officer Lost!!!

Marlon Smith

I got a report this afternoon from one of my On The Ground Reporters saying that police officer Marlon Smith, had lost his life in a car crash in Falmouth today. The vehicle that he was driving in, went up flames immediately. Marlon was assigned to the Minister of Finance, The Honourable Nigel Clarke.

Let's wish for his family the best at this time and those who are close to them we ask you to be there for them.

Once again I remind motorist that we need to take it easy on our roads.

Video Of Car Crash Site


Unknown said...

Very devastating. Condolence to his family and friends especially to the Police Force.
My deepest regret.

Chayil said...

Oh Dear God. I am so sorry to hear this. Heartfelt sympathy to Officer Smith's family, colleagues and Minister Clarke.
This must be a painful time for them. We lift them up in prayer.

Marvelous Marven said...

Condolences to to his friends and family,pray they find comfort in this time of bereavement.very terrible way to go out, can't be too careful out there.

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