Saturday 19 June 2021

Tax Payers Could Save Millions If Musicians Promote Their Own Music For Independence Celebrations

Artistes To Promote Their Own Independence Songs

Fab5 Band
Word on the ground is that some artistes will be composing, producing and promoting their songs for the  Jamaican Independence Celebrations this year. At least two of the songs are ready and one is now being circulated. The song which is now being circulated is an excellent song performed by a professional performer who I understand is being courted to be the next lead singer for the former backing band for Toots Hibbert.

This is probably the first time that artistes will be promoting their own songs for the Independence Celebrations rather than entering the Festival Song Competition.

Last year close to the Independence Celebrations, Fab5 released 'Don't Drop Di Ball' which did very well for the band. The group said then, that it was a gift to the people of Jamaica. This year we are not sure if Fab5 will produce another song for the celebrations. Last year Fab5 tested the waters, this year you never know what they will do. 

Many persons feel that the time is now right for artistes to write and promote their own songs for the Independence Celebrations. They feel that it is time to take the politics out of the music. Could this year be a start of something different? It probably will be a good idea for the musicians to do what they do best and for the government to stick to governing the country. Government could still give its support if the musicians produce the songs for the Independence Celebrations.

Jamaica Federation Of Musicians And Affiliates Union

Lowell Omar Lawson
President JFMAU
The Jamaica Federation of Musicians And Affiliates Union (JFMAU) had a meeting just a little over a week ago. The meeting discussed the matter of getting health insurance for it's members. Some members felt that the union fees should cover  the health benefits for the members. Other veteran entertainers in the meeting pointed out that if the union fee was to cover the insurance then the union fees would have to be substantially more. Many persons would not be able to afford higher union fees.

The executive is very concerned about artistes especially at this time because many of these artistes are not working during this pandemic.


Unknown said...

Established music artistes may be able to promote their own so far but newly entrants will not be able to. The music festival contest should remain as it is for now.

Vernon Lloyd Derby said...

Producer would promote the songs for new persons and they would seek other support. That is done now in the business. We ought not to rely on government to do for us which we can best do for ourselves.

Rosina Christina Moder said...

......and who will choose who are the chosen ones.....who chose that the fab 5 song wasn't chosen last year???????

Vernon Lloyd Derby said...

One thing I am sure of and that is government needs to stick to governance which involves facilitating the development of cultural things. Mixing politics with certain things is like trying to mix oil with water.

Megatony said...

Mixing oil with water, an apt discription which I agree with.

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