Tuesday 29 June 2021

What Happened - Transgender Could Be The Next Miss World!

 A Transgender Could Win Miss World!!!

This is history which some will not welcome and some will. Yes, a transgender woman has won the Miss Nevada USA title for the first time, and he... sorry, she will compete for the next Miss USA pageant.

I can hear my dead granny saying, "Puppa Jesus a cum fi 'im wor' now!" Can you imagine more men starting to change their sex in order to enter this competition? They probably need to have a Mr. World Competition now!

Sexuality A New Subject?

I would not be surprised if the UWI establishes a department of Sexuality because this matter is becoming a hot topic these days. You have heterosexuals', homosexuals, pansexuals, asexuals and I have come up with a new category, handysexual.  handysexual? You have never heard of that before? When they start the BA course you will get to learn about it. In the meantime just join the boys on the corner and they will educate you.

People Bad Up Covid-19 Staff At UWI Mona

Persons waiting on their jab at the UWI this week.

Last week a crowd descended on the UWI campus to be vaccinated. Confusion was created because many heard that the Covid-19 vaccine was in short supply. From reports, everyone was trying to get to the head of the line to get their jabs. Persons are scared of the vaccine but having covid-19 is hell before you get to hell.

Prof. Eldemire Shearer

Abuses were hurled at the staff at the vaccination center at the UWI last week. I understand that some of the curse words used cannot be repeated. What we heard on news I understand, was very mild when compared to what was actually said.

What was even shocking to many was how members of the crowd treated Professor The Most Honourable Eldemire Shearer. She is the Professor of Public Health and Ageing at the University of the West Indies. She is also a leading spokesperson and advocate for the aging. It was a shame to hear how some of those elderly persons treated her. Dr. Eldemire is the wife of former Prime Minister of Jamaica, The Most Hon. Hugh Lawson Shearer.

Persons who were at the UWI vaccination center, told me that one gentleman threatened to get his bad men to shoot up the staff and also declared that he had their pictures, so it would be easy to identify them. The volunteers, many of them students, were traumatized by the abuse which took place. The despicable behaviour and the disrespect shown to the medical staff was embarrassing. 

I will simple say, "What a life, what a country".

When I went to the UWI vaccination center on Tuesday to get my vaccination I heard them referring to the last man quite a few times. The announcement was then made that they have the last vaccine for the day. It was at that point I realized that I was The Last Man

One feeble and disappointed old man said, "You will have any vaccines tomorrow?"  The response was that we will not know until we get more tomorrow. I then went inside to congratulate Dr. Shearer and her staff who I understand have worked some long hours. There was the woman who has suffered abuse from those she is trying to help, She was there literally about to jump through the room congratulating her staff and staying you did well, you vaccinated 451 persons today. 

I went up to her and congratulated her and said thanks. I also apologized for the behaviour of those disgusting Jamaicans who abused her the week before. I wondered to my self and said, "I wonder how many other persons went to her and said thanks for serving the people of Jamaica?" 


Micspen said...

Sad episode in this vaccination blitz.

Unknown said...

Concerning the gay lady in miss would, the shim need to enter miss transgender competition and compete against their kind. This competition will not be gare.

Unknown said...

Thanks to Dr. Eldemire for her service, but young people needs jobs, so she should retired and volunteer her services if she feels the need to work.

Vernon Lloyd Derby said...

You believe that young persons have her experience and qualifications and can do what she does? The young and the old need to work and we need the best. We should never replace the best with a young person just to give young people a work. I find your response to be very disrespectful. Those who want to replace her needs to go and get qualified and get the experience first. When she is unable to work she will retire and the UWI will retire her.

Unknown said...

Its all one big mess, the sad hidden reality is that many of these person who change their sexuality over a short period of time have a change of heart, wanting to return to their original sex only to be told they cant and its devastating for them, that the plan of the devil any way, he will take many further than they did plan to go until they reach the point of " no return" , the bible says" God is not the author of confusion", smh.

Unknown said...

Very disrespectful comment indeed. Those younger persons who have a genuine desire to support and promote health and wellness for our seniors need the knowledge and wisdom of those persons with experience.

Megatony said...

Our ppl are so disgusting, imagine all that prof shearer has done and is doing. I hope she knows that those ppl don't speak for the majority of us.

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