Thursday 1 July 2021

Covid-19 Has Crippled The JPS Streetlight Programme

Blaine Jarrett
Senior VP - Energy Delivery
The JPS Streetlight Programme has been hit hard by the shortage of parts and supplies used to replace and repair lamps across the country. This shortage has resulted from our international suppliers being impacted by material shortages and disruptions in worldwide shipping logistics since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Consequently, this resulted in delays in repairing streetlights and a delay in completing the smart LED streetlight programme, which was scheduled to be closed this year.  Despite the shortage of parts hitting the Company from 2020, JPS plans to successfully install the remainder of LED lights by the end of 2021.  However, with the now protracted delays and difficulties in accessing equipment, the Company is reviewing all alternatives to alleviate the impact on the Smart Streetlight Program and ongoing streetlight repairs.  The Company is also having dialogue with the Ministry of Local Government on the matter and will be reaching out to the various parish council stakeholders in the coming week to address their specific concerns.

JPS is aware of the public’s concerns in instances where lights remained unfixed and made strenuous efforts to attend to the critical spots with dense population, high traffic, and pedestrian presence.  Even so, the shortage has had a debilitating effect on the teams’ ability to meet customers’ expectations.

The shortage has also been worsened by the continuing theft of streetlights, particularly in some urban areas.  Despite the significant setbacks, JPS has reached the milestone of having approximately 80% of Jamaica’s streetlights being smart LEDs, while roughly 90% of the streetlights across the country are fully operational.

“JPS has an unwavering commitment to the streetlight programme and the residents of this country,” stated Blaine Jarrett, JPS’ Senior Vice President, Energy Delivery.  “We regard this shortage as one of the many challenges of the pandemic, that we will overcome, once these circumstances outside of our control, change.  Our customers continue to be at the heart of all our improvement and service efforts,” he pointed out. 

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