Sunday 1 August 2021

I had Fun at Custos Hugh Gentles Party On My Birthday.

My Birthday

Two years ago I never thought that I would see another year and here I am behaving as if I am a young boy. Oh yes, I took a selfie this evening, on July 31, on my birthday. Thanks to the support from those who cared and thanks to the creator who decided to give me some extra time. I have felt my body heal over the past two years. I still have the challenge but I have it under control. My brain is as creative as ever again.

The fact is I never thought that I would be able to continue as a broadcaster but praise the Lord my show continues to do well. Recently the head of an agency came on the show and after the first show it was decided that the organization has to do two shows each month and not one.

Thanks to the support that I continue to get from listeners and sponsors. Thanks to those persons who monitor me and ensure that I do what is right and thanks to those who assist me in reaching out to others. Thanks to those who not only tell me to watch my diet but send me fruits and other health foods. Thanks also that that person who heard that I needed a computer to assist the hundreds I help each year and she sent a brand new laptop to lend me. Thanks to my doctors, my family members and all those  who have done their bit to ensure that the work continues.

 I receive between 3,000 to 4,000 messages annually from persons seeking help and I could not do this without your love and your support. I shall continue to serve you to the best of my ability.

Octavia Smith's Poem For My Birthday

The following poem was written by my sister Octavia Smith for me:

Cheers to you Vernon Derby 

Big bully, and brother

Seemed hardest to ignore

You delved into our lives

And made it your own

"Donned" you the hat

Of a perfect dude

We just had to listen

Always had to answer

Why? Where?when?

Someone couldve warned us

You had a plan to stay; to reign

And always to hold our hands

Yes! We staged our freedom

To outsmart you even

Ranted, raved

Always ready to run

To breakfree; to escape

Your charge; your challenge

And your company

The world seemed unready for you

You startled, stunned and confused

The minds of many

Now you no longer grasp our hands

But carefully hold our hearts

We bounce against your thick skin

You now listen to our dissent

And our gripe.

Happily you've found a new way

To express your love 

And your cheer.

Welcome home 

And  Happy happy birthday Vernon Derby

By Octavia Smith 

Having Fun At Hugh Gentles Party On My Birthday 

Today I joined in celebrating with my friend, The Hon. Hugh Gentles, CD, JP who has been appointed Custos of Trelawny. It was a small and lovely gathering of friends and families who came out to congratulate the son of Mass Harry and Miss Phillips from Glastonbury.

Hugh Gentles parents, Harry Gentles and Miss Phillips, ensured that their children were properly brought up. Their two children Hugh and Marcia were good chips from the solid block. I went with them to Lowe River All Age School and they were an example to follow. Mass Harry Gentles' wife was the aunt of Former Leader of the Opposition, Peter Phillips. 

Enjoy the pictures below which I captured at the party on Plymouth Avenue in Kingston: (Note: Masks were removed for the pictures to be taken.)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Vernon this seemed to have been a perfect way to celebrate your birthday. I love your sister's poem which speaks to your character and love of family. Continue your good work of service to community. Respect.

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