Sunday 4 July 2021

JPS - Outages, But No Shutting Down Of Power


JPS is reporting that isolated sections of the grid have been affected by Tropical Storm Elsa, which is currently passing the island.  A few trips on the grid have led to isolated outages, but teams have been responding to these quickly, where it is safe to do so.   Some of the areas in which isolated outages have occurred are in the parishes of Kingston & St. Andrew, St. Catherine, St. Mary and Clarendon.

Major outages have included Freeport in Montego Bay, which is now fully restored; Phoenix Park in St. Catherine –crews are enroute but being hampered by flooding in Dunbeholden; and the Frontier Housing Scheme in St. Mary – but again crews are unable to work, due to the weather conditions.  A team is also presently on site working to restore the Clarendon communities of Ballards River, Brae Hill, Red Hills and Beckford District.  The Company continues to keep track of other isolated outages.

Not Shutting Down the Grid

JPS also wishes to assure customers that it has no plans to shut down the grid.  The assurance comes in the wake of a message being circulated via whatsapp that the Company may ‘pull the plug’ if weather conditions worsen.   The Company wishes to make it clear that it is monitoring the situation and there is presently no significant threat to the grid infrastructure that would warrant such action. 

JPS is reminding customers that once the storm has passed, its teams will first need to conduct a detailed damage assessment and carry out repairs, before power supply can be restored to some areas.  The Company asks for patience, as the damage assessment is essential to ensuring the efficient and safe restoration of power to customers. 

The Company is also reminding the public to abide by general safety rules – avoiding any downed power lines or poles, and staying indoors at this time.

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