Saturday 7 August 2021

Independence Celebrations - Did We Get It Right?

What A Way To Treat Our National Anthem

It was an interesting Independence day, Friday, August 6, 2021. We did not get our Festival Song that we wanted, but we got another medal on independence day. Oh yes we got quite a few medals at the Olympics for our Independence Celebrations. 

I spent some time watching television and I saw some interesting things. I saw on TVJ our national anthem being massacred. 

Click to Listen To The New National Anthem!!!

Our National Anthem?

Making Sure The GG and The PM Look Right

As a youngster it would be considered an embarrassment if you left your house and your tie was not fixed properly. The wives and mothers were the ones who were blamed if you left your house not looking well dressed.

One thing you never do is to fix up yourself in public. You either head for the bathroom or a private area so that you can put yourself together. These days it is quite usual to see girls for example lift up their dresses anywhere in order to fix their clothes. We should never have persons fixing the clothes of our leaders in public. You will therefore find the following video very interesting:

The PM and the Governor General should have dressers who are responsible for outfitting the GG or the PM. If there is a problem with the outfit of these officials then these persons could deal with it and preferable not in the full glare of the public view.

The Tenors And The National Anthem

I like the idea of more than one person leading in the singing of the national anthem at official functions. You remember when one of our outstanding singers had a mental block while he performed the national anthem? Oh yes these things can happen and will happen.

At the Flag Raising Ceremony at the National Stadium, we could not hear the three voices of the tenors blending harmoniously together. We heard one tenor's voice way above the others. The anthem really sounded off when at one point you heard one tenor on top singing the tenor and you could not hear the tune being carried by any of the other tenors.

At one point the singing sounded off key and it sounded like that, possible because I could not hear the other voices properly.

Who Should Represent Who

I would love to know what my readers think, but I must say that I found it unusual that a party member is the one who represented the Opposition Leader at the Flag Raising Ceremony, which is a state function. The Opposition Leader represents the largest group in parliament which opposes the government, so it seems to me that if he cannot attend this important function, then another MP should be asked to represent the Leader of The Opposition. Is it possible that the Leader of The Opposition does not have the confidence in the other parliamentarians to represent him? One of the on air presenters said that the Opposition Leader represented the party with the least support and this is incorrect.

L-R The Governor General, The Prime Minister 
and the representative of the Opposition Leader.

Our Olympians have showed us how to work hard and with dedication and discipline to perform excellently even when they do not get a medal. Our leaders need to follow.

Taking Pictures Of Leaders At National Functions

The person who is in charge of public relations for the event or anyone who is designated to coordinate activities relating to the taking pictures should plan before the order in which the leaders should stand. We must have a protocol for that. It does not look good for persons to be touching leaders and actually shoving them into positions.  One should just indicate verbally where each person should stand.

Getting National Awards

Someone called to ask me if someone who has been convicted of an offence can get a national award? I told them that I am not aware of anything in the law which prevents that. This is something to think about.

The Colours Of Our Flag

I am aware of the colours of our flag being black, green and gold

and not black, green and yellow.

Oh, I wonder if this error came about because many of us did not do civics in school?

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