Thursday 26 August 2021

The Big Pharma Vaxx Forum Next Monday - A Forum Like No Other!!!


Click on the poster below on Monday,  August 30, 1500 to 1700 EST in order to participate in the Pharma Vaxx Forum. Hear what our Jamaican professionals have to say about Covid-19 and the various vaccines. You have heard the conspiracy theorists, you have heard politicians, you have heard some of your uninformed friends and you have heard from many social media writers and others. now is the time to hear from your own Jamaican professionals. A forum presented by the Pharmaceutical Society of Jamaica.

Click on the poster to join the forum.

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Unknown said...

I would love to listen to this. I hope I remembered

Micspen said...

Obviously, if these vaccines provide immunity for multiple years, these companies aren't going to make nearly as much money as they expect and a lot of investors expect. So this is a big story to watch, but like you said, really, really early right now and too soon to maybe go drawing any conclusions at this point.Ask the question at the forum how long will the immunity from each one last?

Micspen said...

Obviously, if these vaccines provide immunity for multiple years, these companies aren't going to make nearly as much money as they expect and a lot of investors expect. So this is a big story to watch, really, really early right now and too soon to maybe go drawing any conclusions at this point.The question must be asked as how long will immunity for each one separately last?.Pfizer and Moderna has been reported in Israel and other places to show up as a side effect Myocarditis in young men a few days after the second Dose and some deaths after the first dose in older people with comorbidities.Has that cautionary advice been given to the public and if not why. He as the stock prices of Pfizer gone up or lagging behind.

Micspen said...

Has there been any cases of person's dying of blood clot complications associated with the AstraZeneca vaccines though rare.Also are our medical personnel been document adverse events occurring in association with the vaccines and will those be released to the public so they can make more informed decisions to engender trust and "Hold a Jook".

foodyTR2D said...

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